Create Image error

From: Karl & Betty Schendel 

>  Hi all!!!
>With OpenIngres 1.2/01 on a Dec Unix 4.0D Box I try to create an image,
>but I get the next error:
>Fatal: insufficient virtual memory to continued with compilation
>I am using this sentence in utcom.def to generate the object file
>cc -w0 -c %N.c
>I think that the problem is with some kernel parameter of  Dec Unix
>because I test this sentence from
>operating system prompt using the .c file and I get the same error.
>The question is which is the Kernel Parameter that I have to modify?

Try changing utcom.def to include the -O1 option:
cc -w0 -O1 -c %N.c

if that doesn't work, you have to increase the vm_mapentries and possibly
the dfldsiz kernel parameters.  I am pretty sure you can increase both in
your /etc/sysconfigtab file.  Check the man page or your Dec Unix documentation
for details, it's been a little while since I messed with these.

Karl R. Schendel, Jr.
K/B Computer Associates
Ingres and Unix Expertise

Past President, North American Ingres Users Association
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