Shutting down Ingres

Alex Cosser wrote:
> how can I bring the database down

o Tell all users to log out.
o Try and stop the front end first - see if this stops the transaction.
  If not then try and kill the session in IPM/IIMONITOR - This could crash the
  server in pre 6.4/05p releases. Give the session a chance to die.
o Kill any sessions left on the database.
o Stop all servers. Use iimonitor (set server shut if there are still
  connections else stop setver).
o If the session does not die then start killing processes (use a soft kill
  first -1 then -3 ). Use kill -9 as a last resort. Kill the processes in the
  following order. iign , iislaves , iidbms , iidmfrcp , iidmfacp.
o iishutdown
o Clean up shared memory and semaphores - ipcs/ipcrm
o Start Ingres - may take a while while the archiver and recovery process are
  sorting out the transaction log.
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