Document #: US-13229,EN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Major subject: sql Minor subjects: sql_syntax Keywords: datatypes, tech_notes Abstract: Working with Date Fields - Equivalent to INGRES Release 6 Technical Note #8 or Release 5 Note #86. Expert note: Working with Date Fields ======================== Overview -------- INGRES provides a powerful syntax in both SQL and QUEL for working with dates and time intervals. The purpose of this document is to illustrate the capabilities of date arithmetic and date functions, using several examples. o Background o Operations and Functions o Combining Functions o Summary Background ---------- A date is a value that is either an absolute date, like "02-sep-1987", an absolute time, like "23:04:48", an absolute date and time, like "28- feb-1987 12:01:58", a date interval, like "5 years 14 days", or a time interval, like "8 hrs". These are output by INGRES as a 25 character string when date format is used. The default output format for a date is "dd-mmm-yyyy", and for a date and time it is "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss". Dates can be input in a variety of formats. For the date November 15, 1982, INGRES would accept any one of the following as input: "11/15/82", "11-15-82", "82.11.15", "15-nov-82". There are other input formats, listed in your query language reference manuals. Please note that "today" is a legal input for a date field and will put the current date in the field. Absolute time input for 10:30:00 could be "10:30:00", "10:30:00 pst", or "10:30". For absolute date and time, you can combine any of the three time formats with one of the following date formats: mm/dd/yy or dd-mmm-yy. Therefore, there are six possible formats for absolute date and time. Please note that "now" is a legal input and will put the current date and time in the field. Input formats for date intervals and time intervals use these units: yrs,years,months,mos,days,hours,hrs,minutes,mins,seconds,secs. There- fore, some sample date interval and time interval inputs are: "5 years","8 mos 14 days","23 hours","13 hrs 38 mins 43 secs". Date values can range from 1-jan-1582 to 31-dec-2382. Time intervals can range from -800(max) years to +800(max) years within the specified range of Date values. Operations and Functions ------------------------ The following operations and functions are available. Each is given with an example. 1. absolute - absolute = interval A parts supplier has a table called "delivery", with columns called "customer", "placedate","shipdate", and "recvdate". The columns with column names ending in "date" have INGRES' date format. The query is: How many days did company XYZ wait from the time it placed its order until it received the order? SQL: SELECT x=(delivery.recvdate - delivery.placedate) FROM delivery WHERE delivery.customer = 'XYZ'; QUEL: RETRIEVE (x=delivery.recvdate - delivery.placedate) WHERE delivery.customer = "XYZ" 2. absolute - interval = absolute OR absolute + interval = absolute Using the same table described above, the query is: How many orders were shipped more than 5 days after they were placed? SQL: SELECT x=COUNT(d.customer) FROM delivery d WHERE d.placedate < d.shipdate-'5 days'; QUEL: RANGE OF d IS delivery RETRIEVE (x=COUNT(d.customer WHERE d.placedate < d.shipdate-"5 days" )) 3. interval - interval = interval OR interval + interval = interval A pharmaceutical firm is testing two materials for capsules. There is a table called "results" with columns containing the drug name, the number of days the drug remained effective using material #1 for the capsule, and the number of days for material #2. The columns "mat1" and "mat2" have INGRES' date format. Dr. Jones wants to know the difference between the effectiveness of the two materials, for each drug. SQL: SELECT drug,x=mat1 - mat2 FROM results; QUEL: RETRIEVE (results.drug,x=results.mat1 - results.mat2) 4. date conversion INGRES stores dates internally in a 12-byte format, and displays dates as a 25-character string. INGRES knows it is a date, and allows the operations and functions being discussed in this document. There are times, however, when a user stores date information in c, vchar (SQL), or text (QUEL) fields. How can date arithmetic and functions be used on such fields? The date conversion function takes the data in a c, vchar (SQL), or text (QUEL) field, and gives the internal representation of that date value used by INGRES. This is useful for manipulating dates entered in fields with c,vchar, or text formats. The value entered in those fields must have one of the date formats listed earlier or in the SQL and QUEL Reference Manuals. If the value cannot be converted to a valid date, INGRES will issue an error message. Let's look at a specific use of the date conversion function. Suppose a company has a table containing project names and their due dates. The due dates are in a field called "complete" with a format of c10. They've been entered in standard "mm/dd/yy" format. A query to list all due dates with a 10 day extension is shown below. The resulting column "x" will be in INGRES' default dd-mmm-yyyy format for dates. SQL: select name,x=date(projects.complete)+'10 days' from projects; QUEL: retrieve (,x=date(projects.complete)+"10 days") 5. DOW conversion The DOW (day of the week) conversion function gives the day of the week for the provided date value. For example, an administrative assistant is keeping track of complaints called in on a hot-line. He logs each call in an INGRES table which has a column called 'calldate'. He wants to see the distribution of calls by the day of the week: SQL: Two steps are required. 1) CREATE TABLE tempd AS SELECT x=DOW(calls.calldate) FROM calls; 2) SELECT x,y=COUNT(x) FROM tempd GROUP BY x; QUEL: RETRIEVE (x=DOW(calls.calldate), y=COUNT(DOW(calls.calldate) BY DOW(calls.calldate))) 6. DATE_TRUNC function The DATE_TRUNC function returns the first date within a specified unit of measurement. For example, if the unit of measurement is "month", then the DATE_TRUNC function for any date of a particular month will return the first day of that month as a value. The syntax is: DATE_TRUNC(UNIT,DATE). The DATE_TRUNC function is useful for grouping dates. For example, suppose a table called "receipts" lists the amount collected in a column called "amount", and the day it was collected in a column called "collected". You want to know how much was collected each week. The follow- ing query will show the starting day of the week, i.e. Monday's date, and the amount collected that week: SQL: Two steps are required 1) CREATE TABLE temptable AS SELECT x=DATE_TRUNC('weeks',receipts.collected),amount FROM receipts; 2) SELECT x,y=SUM(amount) FROM temptable GROUP BY x; QUEL: RETRIEVE (x=DATE_TRUNC("weeks",receipts.collected), y=SUM(receipts.amount BY DATE_TRUNC("weeks",receipts.collected))) 7. DATE_PART function The DATE_PART function returns an integer that is one part of the date. The syntax is: DATE_PART(UNIT,DATE). For example, if the date field has the value "29-aug-1971", then DATE_PART("day",datefield) returns a value of 29. For "week" units, the weeks are numbered from 0 to 52. Week 0 is assigned to the days before the first Monday of the year. For "quarter" units, they are numbered from 1 to 4. The date_part function is useful when using aggregates. Suppose an opinion research firm sends the same questionnaire four times a year to four random samples. Each set of questionnaires is mailed on the first of the month. A table called "responses" has the data for all four surveys. What is the average number of responses received on each day of the month? SQL: Two steps are required. 1. create table tempr as select idnum,x=date_part('day',responses.received) from responses; 2. select x,y=count(idnum)/4 from tempr group by x; QUEL: retrieve (a=date_part("day",responses.received), x=count(responses.idnum by date_part("day",responses.received))/4) 8. INTERVAL function When you use date arithmetic, like "datefld1 - datefld2", the result looks like "23 days". Suppose you just wanted the number "23"? The INTERVAL function allows you to obtain the number of time units con- tained within a specified interval. The syntax is: INTERVAL(UNIT,TIME INTERVAL). Allowable units include secs, mins, hrs, days, wks, mos, qtrs, and yrs. Suppose a date field called "duration" has the interval "2 days 5 hours". Then INTERVAL("hrs",duration) returns 53. Note that the date field can also be an expression whose result is an interval . For exam- ple, if a community organization conducting a fund drive wants to enter some data along with the number of days since the drive began. The field daynum is an integer field which will contain the number of days. SQL: INSERT INTO drivedata (contribs,daynum) VALUES (432.56,INTERVAL('days','today'-date('2/15/87'))); QUEL: APPEND TO drivedata (contribs=432.56, daynum=INTERVAL("days","today"-date("2/15/87"))) Combining Functions ------------------- The date functions described above can be combined to produce date cal- culations of various kinds. For example, suppose you wanted to find the midpoint between two dates. Given "1/1/87" and "1/30/87", you'd like to have the calculation return a value of "15-jan-1987". The query is: SQL: select x=date('1/1/87')+concat(ascii(int4(interval('days', date('1/30/87')-date('1/1/87'))/2)),'days') from dept; QUEL: retrieve (x=date("1/1/87")+concat(ascii(int4(interval("days", date("1/30/87")-date("1/1/87"))/2)),"days")) Here's what the query does: First, date arithmetic is used to subtract the two dates. The result, "30 days", is converted to the number "30" using the interval function. The number is then divided by 2. That result is converted to integer format, and then converted to an ascii string so it can be concatenated to the word "days", resulting in "15 days". The "15 days" is then added to the starting date, using date arithmetic, to give the final result. Consider another example. Using the same "delivery" table described ear- lier, suppose you want to know how many shipments were received on the first Monday of the month. The query is: SQL: Two steps are required -- 1. create table temp as select recvdate,x=dow(recvdate), y=date_part('month', recvdate) from delivery; 2. select z=min(recvdate) from temp where x='Mon' group by y; QUEL: range of d is delivery retrieve (d.recvdate) where d.recvdate=min(d.recvdate by date_part("month",d.recvdate) where dow(d.recvdate)="Mon") Summary ------- Date arithmetic, date functions and date conversions in INGRES provide a powerful set of tools for making full use of data in date format. Releases affected: all(all.all) - Releases not affected: Errors: Bugs/SIRS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
© William Yuan 2000