Document #: US-13264,EN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Major subject: analysis Minor subjects: checklist Keywords: tech_notes Abstract: References on Database Design - Equivalent to INGRES Release 6 Technical Note #24 or Release 5 Technical Note #41. Expert note: References on Database Design ============================= Overview -------- Database design in a relational environment is much easier than with other DB models because the logical design phase is separated from phy- sical design phase. It is possible to do the logical design ignoring physical design issues, and then adjust the physical design at a later stage or even adjust it during production use of the DB. This is the basic principle of provide a fast application development environment. Database design is 50% common sense; the primary objective being rela- tions that avoid any 'data redundancy' and thus prevent inconsistency that can occur between multiple copies of the same data. It is advis- able, however, to use a more structured method to achieve this objec- tive. These approaches are well documented and this technical note will briefly list two common approaches, their advantages and disadvantages and some of the easier-to-read references that explain them. o The Different Approaches to DB Design o Entity Relationship Method o Normalization o Other References o Summary The Different Approaches to DB Design ------------------------------------- There are two schools of thought on how logical design should be carried out: top down analysis: e.g. Entity-Relationship modelling bottom up analysis: e.g. Normalization from functional dependencies Top down analysis tends to be done with the aid of diagrams where it is easy to identify the critical areas at an early stage. This is particu- larly important with very complex or large databases (large here meaning many potential relations). This approach considers the relationships between 'entities'. Entities are 'things' or 'concepts' about which data is collected. The entities are described by attributes. The final design usually generates one relation per entity with the attributes becoming columns in relations. Bottom-up analysis works at a lower-level and deals with relationships between the attributes directly. A list of 'functional dependencies' are built up and these are decomposed (normalized) into sets of dependencies that lead to relations. This decomposition goes through stages known as 'normal forms'. For many applications, third normal form is sufficient. Entity Relationship Method -------------------------- Advantages: * good for early stages in design when not all attributes known * good for semantically complex databases * diagrams are easy to read * more oriented to common sense than mathematics * good for postmortem analysis of database and of queries that run on database; good for analysis of areas of high traffic volume in heavy concurrent situations * multivalued dependencies easy to understand * a good 'uncluttered' medium for discussion purposes Disadvantages: * not as rigorous as normalization * confusing at first, needs time to acquire art * more 'iterative' than normalization * it is not easy to define and identify entities References: Martin, J. and McClure, C., "Diagramming Techniques for Analysts and Programmers" (publ: Prentice Hall 1985) -an excellent encyclopedic text on diagrammatic methods for all phases of system and DB design, chap. 20 covers the ER approach. Howe, D. R., "Data Analysis for Database Design" (publ: Edward Arnold 1983) -a readable text book covering both ER and normalization approaches. Not often seen in bookstores, try contacting the publishers: (301)-539-1529 Yao, S. B. (editor) "Principles of Database Design Volume 1" (publ: Prentice Hall 1985) see chapter 5: Chen, P. S., "Database Design based on Entity and Relationship" - a very easy to read introduction Chen P. "The Entity-Relationship Model-Toward a Unified view of Data" ACM Trans on Database systems vol. 1 ,no. 1 Mar 1976 - the first paper on the subject Normalization ------------- Advantages: * a rigorous, methodical, approach to DB design Disadvantages: * some mathematics involved * diagrams to aid the design can become difficult to read for large or complex databases * overlapping composite keys makes decomposition more difficult * its not clear what the latest normal form is or how relevant it is! * not good for post mortem analysis after database in use References: Date, C.J. "An Introduction to Database Systems Vol 1 Forth edition" , Chapter 17 "Further Normalization" (publ: Addison Wesley 1986) -classic textbook introduction to normalization Kent, W., "A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory" Communications of ACM vol 26, no 2 ,Feb 1983 - a very pragmatic introductory paper Smith, H., "Database Design: Composing fully normalized tables from a rigorous dependency diagram," Communications of the ACM vol. 28, no 8, Aug 1985 - presents decomposition in a diagrammatic manner (D. R. Howe's book above also covers normalization) Other References ---------------- Aranow, E.B. Developing Good Data Definitions, "Database Programming ad Design," Vol. 2, No. 8 (Aug. 1989), pp. 36-39. Codd, E.F. Is Your Database Really Relational? "Computerworld," (Oct. 14, 1985). Cutts, G. "SSADM: Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology," Van Nostrand, 1988. Date, C.J. A Practical Approach to Database Design, Chapter 19 of "Relational Database: Selected Writings," Addison-Wesley, 1986. Davis, C. (editor) "Entity-Relationship Approach to Software Engineering' (publ: North Holland 1983) see chapter 1: Kent W., 'Fact-Based Data Analysis and Design' -introduces a connectivity graph approach Finkelstein, Richard R. No Easy Road to Good Design, "Database Programming and Design," premier issue, 1987, pp. 9-14. Inmon, W.H. Optimizing Performance with Denormalization, "Database Programming and Design," premier issue, 1987, pp. 34-39. Kent, W, "Data and Reality", (publ: North Holland 1978) - a very readable book on the problems of modelling data Martin, J., and C. McClure. "Structured Techniques: The Basis for CASE," Prentice Hall, 1988. Ross, R.g. "Entity Modeling: Techniques and Application," Database Research Group, 1987. Sclaer, S., and S. Mellor. "Object Oriented Systems Analysis," Prentice Hall, 1988. Weinberg, G.M. WIGGLE Charts a Sketching Tools for Designers, Part VII of "Rethinking Systems Analysis & Design," Dorset House, 1988. Roussopoulos N. and Yeh, R. "An Adaptable Methodology for Database Design" IEEE Computer , vol. 17, no. 5 May 1984 - a good overview on all aspects of DB design (note ACM above refers to the Association for Computing Machinery, ACM, 11 west 42nd St, New York, 10036) Summary ------- Two approaches to DB design have been mentioned with references that go into detail. However, users without any DB experience would be advised to attend the INGRES Application Development Class that introduces this subject. Also available are the Ingres Application Note #3 and the DBA guide (available soon). It should be pointed out that when performance is an issue, the rules of DB design are sometimes adjusted to bias the design towards certains classes of operation. In particular 'controlled redundancy' might be included. This is safe as long as all access to the database is through Equel or OSL applications that manage the consistency of any redundancy. This topic is covered in 'Ingres Advanced Performance Seminar.' Releases affected: all(all.all) - Releases not affected: Errors: Bugs/SIRS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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