Document #: US-38732,EN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Major subject: analysis Minor subjects: tech_notes Keywords: dba_guide Abstract: The "Copying a Database in the Same Installation" section, from the INGRES Database Administrator's Guide chapter "Loading and Unloading the Database". How to copy or rename a database. This document is equivalent to Release 6 Technical Note #5 or Release 5 note #43. Expert note: Copying a Database in the Same Installation =========================================== The procedure below shows how to use 'unloaddb' to unload and reload a database on the same installation. Please note the following: o Since 'unloaddb' creates many files, you may find it useful to create a subdirectory and then run the command while in the subdirectory. If you do this, all of the files created by 'unloaddb' will be in this subdirectory. This is shown in step 2 below. o For complete details on how 'unloaddb' works, refer to the previous section "Using Unloaddb." Procedure: Copying a Database ----------------------------- Here is the procedure to move or copy a database with 'unloaddb': 1. Log in as the owner of the database you would like to move. 2. Optionally create a subdirectory to contain all of the 'unloaddb' files: UNIX: $ mkdir path $ cd path VMS: $ create/dir device:[full_path] $ set def device:[full_path] 3. At the operating system prompt, run 'unloaddb' on the database you are unloading: $ unloaddb -c dbname 4. Set UNIX permissions on the '' file: UNIX ONLY: $ chmod 777 5. Execute the '' command file: UNIX: $ VMS: $ 6. Reload into a new, empty database of another name by first creating the new database: $ createdb newdb 7. Using a text editor on the '' command file, change the name of the database for the "" file to the new database name. Here is an example that has changed the database name to "newdb": UNIX: $ sql -s -f4F79.38 -f8F79.38 -uDBA newdb < /path/ VMS: $ sql -s -f4F79.38 -f8F79.38 -uDBA newdb - < WORK_DEV:[WORKDIR] 8. If you want to create the new database in a different location from the original, change the location name in the or script to the new location name. 9. If you want to change ownership of the database, see Chapter 8 of the Database Administrator's Guide. 10. Execute the '' command file: UNIX: $ VMS: $ This loads into the new database and is the most time consuming step. 11. Run 'sysmod' on the database after loading it. Issue the command: $ sysmod newdb 12. If you want to remove the original database, use the 'destroydb' command: $ destroydb original_dbname Note Make sure you successfully unloaded and reloaded the database before you destroy the original database. Releases affected: all(all.all) - Releases not affected: Errors: Bugs/SIRS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
© William Yuan 2000