On Sep 11, 6:28, Roger Hill wrote: > Subject: Re: Re[2]: Journaling Question...really dumb! > ..... > The only thing that now nags at me is under what circumstances a > checkpoint is useless... An interesting question. A checkpoint is useless if: 1. It's an online checkpoint and you don't have the contents of the dmp directory AS OF CHECKPOINT COMPLETION. 2. Any of the locations (eg data locations) referenced by the database change paths, or disappear. I think #1 is the only condition that will make a checkpoint unrecoverably useless. #2 is technically fixable, but liable to be hard to fix if you run into it. (Am I missing anything major, guys?) There are of course other situations that will make a checkpoint useless, but are recoverable IF you are careful. Careful means that you have a safe copy of the checkpoint AND the dmp stuff somewhere, such that you can restore either/both if you screw up. I suppose the most common recoverable situation is that the database is gone (destroyed). You recover by creating the database, being careful to use the same data location(s); play some games with the aaaaaaaa.cnf file; and rollforward will work. This trick and similar ones are all covered in suitable detail by the various papers by Mike Leo and others. I confess to not having much experience in dealing with problems rolling journals forward, or dealing with offline checkpoints. Journal rollforward seems to be one of those things that works or doesn't. I also have no experience with the OpenIngres partial (table) checkpoints. -- Karl Schendel Phone: (412) 963-8844 Telesis Computer Corp Fax: (412) 963-1373 wiz@telesis.com Hi Roger, One thing I've come across recently. If you disaster recovery plan involves putting your databases on a replacement box and rollforwarddb the checkpoints, you need to have a copy of the aaaaaaaa.cnf file from the data or dmp location taken AFTER successful completion of the checkpoint. The content of this version marks the ckp you just did as valid - allowing a rollforwarddb operation. It also helps if you have a script or an archive to re-create the directory structure down to .../data/default/and to reset the UNIX permissions - it saves doing by hand and getting it wrong (it gave me a real wobbler when my rollforwarddb didn't work first time!) Hope this helps, Colin. +------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | Colin MacKellar | Database Manager | +------------------------------------+ Perot Systems Europe | | Tel +44 (0)115 966 2177 | 398 Coppice Road | | Fax +44 (0)115 966 2091 | Arnold | | E-mail Colin.MacKellar@ps.net | Nottingham NG5 7HX | +------------------------------------+-------------------------+
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