On Apr 11, 14:35, Kim Dinh wrote: > Subject: Compensation Log Record in OI1.2 > > Could someone please explain for me what the Compensation Log Record > is used for in the rollback process of OpenIngres 1.2 ? CLR's are used to record the actions taken during a rollback. It allows the crash recovery process to repeat history (redo) first, followed by undo of uncommitted transactions. 6.4 logged physical page before-images and row after-images. To undo, all 6.4 had to do was drop the before-images back into place. If the undo got interrupted, it didn't matter, because it could just drop all the before-images back into place again at restart. OpenIngres uses operation-oriented logging and does not log the entire page before-image. To undo, OI has to issue a reversing operation (undoing inserts with deletes, etc). The database has to be in the proper state for this to work, meaning that it has to have all operations done up to the point where the abort was issued. That's why OI has to do redo before undo. Once OI starts undoing, via reversing operations, if a crash occurs the same concept applies; it has to bring the DB back to the state at the point of crash, *including the undo done so far*. That's where the CLR's come in. Redo reissues all the work done by both regular log records and CLR's, thus replaying history up to the crash point. Then undo takes over and backs out open transactions, skipping log records that already have CLR's written (meaning that those log records were already undone). By the way, OI does *not* write CLR's during a transaction, unless it aborts. OI just reserves space for the CLR's. It only actually writes CLR's during a transaction rollback. There was an article in ACM TODS maybe a couple years ago describing a logging and recovery system named Aries. I think it came out of IBM. If you want to learn about CLR's and many other interesting perils and minutiae of logging and recovery algorithms, find and read the article. OpenIngres's new logging system appears to be very similar to Aries. Karl R. Schendel, Jr. K/B Computer Associates schendel@kbcomputer.com Ingres and Unix Expertise Past President, North American Ingres Users Association past_president@naiua.org
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