DMFRCP on Ingres 6.3/02

>Again I have a problem with Ingres 6.3/02p (sgi.us5/01) running under
>IRIX 5.2

>At this moment whenever someone has been running some ingres jobs, the
>recovery process  and database server seem to be going running mad, and only a
>shutdown (by killing the processes, iishutdown also hangs) and
>iistartup seem to be the (temporary) solution.

>I have been trying several iistartup -init and iibuild as well,
>without succes.

>I have been traceing both dmfrcp and iidbms for the system calls they
>are issuing, and it seems that they are both issuing select, kill and
>sginap system calls, mainly select.

>Is there anybody that has had something similar or knows any

>Thanks in advance,

>Kees van 't Hoff
>CWI; Amsterdam; The Netherlands.

Hi Kees,

        Hmmm...from my experience, you may be dealing with two separate
problems.  I just recently upgraded from 6.3/02 to 6.4/04 on Irix 5.2, and
your problem with the dmfrcp sounds similar to one I had on 6.3.  If I am
correct, you are worried that your dmfrcp is racking up huge amounts of
cpu time.  I had that problem and called Tech Support (the dmfrcp had used
over 35 minutes of cpu when the server had used only 50 seconds).
        It turns out, according to Tech Support, that this is perfectly
normal behavior for INGRES 6.3 on the Irix OS.  The recovery process is
continually waking up to check on the status of the system, and on an
SGI, this uses up tons o' CPU.
        I would suggest you upgrade to INGRES 6.4/04.  Since I did so, I
have not had a runaway dmfrcp.  And by the way, if you *do* upgrade, please
contact me--I have some great lessons learned regarding softlinks you
have to do in order to bring up the server.

        As for the database server "going mad", do you mean to say that
it, too, is taking up a lot of cpu?  If so, do you have any I/O slaves
running in your installation?  You will see them as "iislave" processes
when you do a ps.  I/O slaves help the server do disk operations, in
essence, sharing the load so that the server isn't doing all the work.
Check out page A-20 of your Installation guide for more info.  Adding
I/O slaves will also increase your performance considerably.

Karen Robinson
DBA and Member-at-Large, Colorado INGRES User Association
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO  80309-0449
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