>We are having trouble keeping a gcc running. The setup is: > > Ingres 6.3/02 (su4.u42/04) > Sun 4/260 running SunOS 4.1 > Sun IPC running SunOS 4.1.1 > >The gcc running on the IPC occasionally dies for no apparent reason. Ingres >tech support's answer to the problem is run 6.4. However, we have found other >problems with 6.4 on our development machines which preclude us from installing >it on production databases. Has anybody else had this problem and found a >fix? I can't tell you why your gcc keeps dying but I can tell you how to bypass it completely Set your own II_DBMS_SERVER variable (on the IPC) to servername:port eg setenv II_DBMS_SERVER admin:4000 To set the port number set II_DBMS_SERVER_PORT in your server options file eg rundbms.opt Wollar!! You bypass the local netserver & nameserver. I do this for my own SUN workstation, but I don't know what it would be like to support across a large installation. -- Micheal Rainford-Watson _--_|\ E-Mail: mmr@asgserver.canberra.edu Administrative Systems Group / \ Phone : +61 6 201 2397 University of Canberra \_.--.*/ Mail : PO Box 1 BELCONNEN ACT 2616
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