We have a networked installation of OpenRoad (W4GL) with twelve file servers all over QLD. The Following Setup Has been in place for a year now and works exceptionally well. Your autoexec.bat file on the P.C must have entries such as :- where H: is a network drive mounted by each P.C. the or_dev directory is just where I installed the openroad runtime/development environment. REM -- Setup required for access to CA OpenROAD REM -- V3 Development Network Installation SET II_SYSTEM=h:\or_dev SET PATH=%II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin;%PATH% SET LIB=%II_SYSTEM%\ingres\lib;%LIB% SET INCLUDE=%II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files;%INCLUDE% SET TZ=GMT-10 The CONFIG.ING file in H:\or_dev\ingres\files directory has the following set :- Where the M: drive is a directory each user's P.C mounts on the File server, this means that each user has their own M: drive, therefore the ingres log file is directed here, and you get no conflicts with the log file accessing. Really the II_LOG is the important one!!! contrary to opinion the II_CONFIG and II_MSGDIR should be on a shared read only filesystem (H:) so that you maintain a common installation. REM ****************************************************** REM *** OPENROAD VERSION 3.0/03 CONFIGURATION 02/07/95 *** REM ****************************************************** II_LOG=m:\ II_CONFIG=h:\or_dev\ingres\files II_MSGDIR=h:\or_dev\ingres\files\english II_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH II_DML_DEF=SQL II_W4GLAPPS_DIR= II_W4GL_HASSTATUSBAR=FALSE II_W4GL_CACHE_LIMIT=5000000 REM ********************* REM *** SYSTEM EDITOR *** REM ********************* II_W4GL_SYSTEMEDITOR=TRUE II_WINDOWEDIT=h:\ed4w\ed4w.exe -l %l -n %f II_WINDOWVIEW=h:\ed4w\ed4w.exe -l %l -n %f REM ING_EDIT=h:\ed4w\ed4w.exe REM ********************* REM *** COLOUR CONFIG *** REM ********************* II_COLORTABLE_FILE=h:\or_dev\ingres\files\apped.ctb TERM_INGRES=pccolor REM **************************** REM *** FORMATTING TEMPLATES *** REM **************************** II_MONEY_FORMAT=L:$ II_DECIMAL=. II_MONEY_PREC=2 II_THOUSANDS=, II_DATE_FORMAT=MULTINATIONAL REM ***************** REM *** FONT FILE *** REM ***************** II_FONT_FILE=h:\or_dev\ingres\files\apped.ff REM ******************* REM *** DOUBLECLICK *** REM ******************* II_DOUBLE_CLICK=YES REM ******************* REM *** SCREEN SIZE *** REM ******************* II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MMS= II_SCREEN_WIDTH_MMS= II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_INCHES= II_SCREEN_WIDTH_INCHES= REM **************** REM *** 3GL DLLS *** REM **************** II_LIBU3GL=h:\develop\laoffice\classlib.dll;interop.dll;c:\windows\system\krnl386.exe REM **************** REM *** DEBUGGER *** REM **************** II_W4GL_DEBUGGER_ADJUST=TRUE REM ***************************** REM ** Task Switching Support *** REM ***************************** REM II_WIN31_QYF=1000 REM ******************************** REM *** OTHER SETTINGS NOT VALID *** REM ******************************** REM *** TZ=EST-10 REM *** II_TIMEZONE=-10 REM ************************ REM *** TRACE & GCC ICON *** REM ************************ REM *** II_GCC_UNLOAD=FALSE REM *** II_PRN_UNLOAD=TRUE REM *** II_TEMPORARY=c:\temp Kind regards Nick Fielden
© William Yuan 2000