Accessing IIvariables

>Is there any way (environment variable, Ingres command etc...) to check from
>inside an application if it is running on a client machine (ie. only
>the Ingres name server and NET are running) or on a server machine?
>I need to know this because certain administrative operations are not allowed
>from a client machine.
>Thank You

Yes.  Well, kinda.  I do this by looking at the Ingres environment
variable II_RUN.  This can be accessed with the command 

ingres% ingprenv1 II_RUN

On a server, it is usually defined as


while on a client is is


Here is a C function you might find handy for reading Ingres 
environment variables within an application:


#define DB_INGPRENV1_STRING "$II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin/ingprenv1 "

long db_getenv
char  *env_var, /* The environment value to translate */
char  *buf,     /* The buffer to translate into */
int   buf_size  /* The size of the buffer */

FILE *pfp;            /* Pipe file descriptor */
char *str;            /* utility string pointer */
long ret_val=DB_FAIL; /* Return status, assume failure */

| Malloc a string big enough to
| construct the ingprenv1 command.
if (str!=NULL) {

| Determine the value of the II_CONFIG symbol,
| by piping in the output of the ingprenv1 command.
sprintf(str, "%s%s", DB_INGPRENV1_STRING, env_var);
pfp=popen(str, "r");
if (pfp!=NULL) {

 | Get the data returned from the ingprenv1 command.
 if(str!=NULL) {

    | Remove the newline, if necessary.
    str=strchr(buf, '\n');
    if (str!=NULL)

    | Close the command pipe and check the
    | commands exit status.
    if (pclose(pfp)==0)

 } /* fgets ok */

} /* popen ok */

} /* malloc ok */

| Return the status.

} /* db_getenv() */

As usual, all disclaimers apply.

| Michael Leo            | The Ingres FAQ is at, /pub/ingres.  |
| York & Associates, Inc.| Also check out /pub/ingres/utilities/NAIUA for  |
| Minneapolis, MN, USA   | the NAIUA Tool Kit.  Lastly, access all this via|
| (612) 921-8083 (voice) | WWW at  |
|      | All constructive suggestions/criticism welcome. |
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