> When trying to read/write to an Ingres database using ODBC, we are > receiving the following error: > > iiapi initialized > Out of Memory Errno 8 > > Anyone know what this means? CA wasn't able to provide any answers? > > Please help. > > Kary From: Martin BowesSubject: Re: iiapi initialized out of memory No. 8 error Hi Kary, Literally a process you are running has run out of memory. Every process under UNIX is permitted a certain max amount of memory for data and address space. To display your system limits: /sbin/sysconfig -q proc To monitor: ps -u -oUFMT Examine the data under the '%MEM VSZ RSS' fields. Repeat every so often and see if some process attached to your ODBC is chewing up memory. Best of luck, Martin Bowes
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