aaaaaaaa.cnf - modcnf program

Alessandro Forcina  writes:

> I have to upgrade my application working on a 5 Gb database running under
> Ingres 6.04-06 (Solaris 2.5), and I have to move the whole Ingres installation
> to another server. Since the unload/reload of the db from one server to the
> other one would take several hours (8 to 10 typically) I'd like to accomplish
> this task by the checkpoint utility, which is much faster (1.5 hours). I had a
> lot of trials, but most of them didn't end successfully.
> The problem seems to arise when the ckpdb command checks for the paths of the
> db installation (which are different for the two servers of course) in the
> aaaaaaa.cnf file, and for the dumped pages in the
> $II_SYSTEM/ingres/dmp/default/"dbname" directory (even if the chekpoint has
> been taken offline, and the users were out).
> So, is there a "clean" way to move databases between two servers using ckpdb?

We use the Perl script I've included below when we move databases around.  It
is known to work under Ingres 6.4/05 (never tested against 6.4/06 but I doubt
the .cnf or .dmp files have changed their format).  To use it:

	% cd 
	% modcnf -i aaaaaaa.cnf
	% mv aaaaaaa.cnf aaaaaaa.cnf.bak
	% mv aaaaaaa.cnf
	% modcnf -i .dmp
	% mv .dmp .dmp.bak
	% mv .dmp

Of course, modcnf is in the "use at your own risk" category.

> Should I configure the two server EXACTLY in the same way, as to $II_SYSTEM
> paths and whatsoever?

That might be easier.  :-)



#  FPA - @(#)modcnf	1.1 98/02/04
#  (C)Copyright 1996, Fremantle Port Authority
#  This script reads an Ingres database configuration file and modifies it.
#  with the intention of "renaming" a database.
#  modcnf must be run on the .cnf file as well as the latest .dmp file.
#                                    NOTE
#               This script will only work on databases which are
#               stored in a single Ingres location.

#  Preserve the script's name for later use (warnings, filenames, etc)

($program = $0) =~ s:.*/::;

use Getopt::Std;
getopt ('i:');
die "Usage:  $program -i \n" unless $opt_i;
$file = $opt_i;

#  Reserve exactly enough space for the config file's contents

$buf = pack ("C8192", 0);

#  Read those contents into our buffer

open (I, "<$file") || die "$file: $!\n";
read (I, $buf, 8192);
close (I);

#  Get the current database name

$olddb = substr ($buf, 0x14, 0x10);
$olddb =~ s/\s.*//;
print "Old database name: $olddb\n";

#  Prompt for the new one.

print "New database name: ";
chomp ($newdb = <>);

substr ($buf, 0x14, 16) = pack ("A16", $newdb);

change ("data directory", , 0x18a3, $olddb, $newdb);
change ("journal directory", 0x1953, $olddb, $newdb);
change ("checkpoint directory", 0x1a03, $olddb, $newdb);
change ("sort directory", 0x1ab3, $olddb, $newdb);
change ("dump directory", 0x1b63, $olddb, $newdb);

open (O, "> $") || die "$ $!\n";
syswrite (O, $buf, 8192);
close (O);

#  Update a single "location" within the database configuration.  We
#  expect that a "location" string is immediately preceded by the usable
#  length of that string and that the entire string length is exactly
#  128 bytes.

sub change
    local ($txt, $pos, $old, $new) = @_;
    local ($loc, $loclen, $nloc);

    #  Read the current value

    $loclen = ord (substr ($buf, $pos, 1));
    $loc = substr ($buf, $pos + 1, $loclen);
    print "\nOld $txt: $loc\n";

    #  Build the default new value and get the user's choice

    $loc =~ s:/$old$:/$new:;
    print "New $txt: [$loc]\n> ";
    chop ($nloc = <>);

    #  Put the appropriate choice back into the file

    $loc = $nloc if $nloc;
    $loclen = length ($loc);
    substr ($buf, $pos, 1) = chr ($loclen);
    substr ($buf, $pos + 1, 128) = pack ("A128", $loc);
---- END PERL SCRIPT -----

Daniel Baldoni          | Phone: +61-8-9430-3439  | Fremantle Port Authority
Systems Administrator   | FAX:   +61-8-9336-1391  | 1 Cliff Street,
------------------------+-------------------------+ Fremantle,
require 'std/'                       | Western Australia 6160
"Any time there's something so ridiculous that no rational systems programmer
 would even consider trying it, they send for me" (I'm not good, just crazy)
  - Paraphrased from "King of the Murgos" by David Eddings
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