Does anyone out there know how to milk out session parameters once a session has been initiated? I do realise that a GCA trace will provide this information. But ingres/Net for PC release 6.4/03 does not provide a GCA trace and it is therefore tricky to find what session parameters have been passed. Ingres claim that there are no supported or unsupported trace flags, but when trace flags exist to log session initiation and termination instances using session parameter values I find this hard to believe. For those wondering why I should want to look at session parameters, I am trying to look at the session parameter indicating timezone offset. I know that it is not being set using the stated version of ingres/Net but want concrete evidence of this!!! From: Subject: Re: Re: Session parameters I have no problem with getting session parameters in Ingres 6.4/04 using GCA trace (DOS and UNIX). A 6.4/03 frontend simply does not provide the trace. As I said before Its the GCA timezone offset I am after. This value is used by the DBMS to alter the dates and convert the date into GMT prior to storing it. 6.4/03 does not appear to send this, so dates are never converted to GMT, this is a problem if timezones are used. Using a 6.4/04 front end on a 6.4/03 backend uses the timezone and converts dates correctly, so the dbms does not appear to be at fault. Its only my guess that the timezone is not being sent which is why I wouldlike to look at the session parameters. It would also be handy when monitoring how people are connecting to the dbms from the server end rather than having to inspect remote client bases.
© William Yuan 2000