> >From mskalick@csci.csc.com Fri Mar 21 16: 23:00 1997 > Full-name: Matthew Skalicky > > I've noticed through IPM that verifydb locks ii_procedures as its > running. I assume then that it creates a procedure to patch the table > and it drops that procedure when its finished. > > Could some kind soul confirm or deny this? > > Cheers > > Matt > > Matt, You're right. You can see this with ipm or iimonitor as >>>>>Session 1400ce000 <<<<< DB Name: whatever (Owned by: whomever ) User: $ingres (ingres ) Terminal: batch Group Id: Role Id: Application Code: 0000000b Current Facility: QEF (100000006) Query: Execute Procedure iiqef_check_table -- Gavin Trigg Email: G.Trigg@its.unimelb.EDU.AU Telephone: +61 3 9344 6003 Fax +61 3 9347 9273 Manager Administrative Systems Processing, Information Technology Services, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia. 3052. I have recently been doing some work in this area to allow me to run verifydb on multiple tables in the same database in parallel. The locking of the iiprocedures caused a problem. What verifydb actually does is drop and re-create the ii_check_table procedure regardless of whether it exists or not and it is this which causes the locks. I now don't bother with verifydb - I create the ii_qef_check procedure, if it doesn't exist, and execute it directly. Dave Dave Webb Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
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