> Has anyone seen problems in W4GL where widgets (buttons, text, etc.) do > not align properly? yup its a real pain - on a pc you can even get it between different vga drivers at the same resolution! Following the manual with stackfields etc helps but with x11 you tend to have to make sure the right fonts are available, which with xterms means letting them get their fonts across the net. ie They end up with the same fonts as your development systems - provided of course, that your xterms can serve from remote font directories :? (xset -q is most valuable for checking which fonts are being/may be used) The other catch is with the physical screen size as reported to w4gl - screens at the same resolution (eg 1024x768) and nominally the same size (eg 19") from different vendors or with different windowing software can report different height/width to w4gl - which blows its positioning algorithms. To cover this problem we use the 'help - about' type box on our applications to report the current screen size (screenheight & screenwidth) from the sessionobject. Record the values from a screen where you are happy - usually a development screen, then compare with the values when running on a target screen. You can then use the environment variables II_SCREEN_WIDTH_INCHES & II_SCREEN_HEIGHT_INCHES to improve things - with a new type of display/x11/w3 driver we work as follows: given the values for height/width from a 'working' display (h w) on the new display set up the environment variables to eg 14 x 12 run up the program and record the reported height/width value (h1 w1) calculate the 'correct' values for the environment variables (in the 14 x 12 example: 'correct' height = 12 * h / h1 'correct' width = 14 * w / w1 ) set these values up and you're a little closer - note that if you are using inches you need 3 places of decimals when setting the II's - which means you also need 3 places in displaying them if you don;t use the default 1000ths Certainly with Sun/Dec/Hp/Aix portability and pc to pc portability we have found that getting the fonts and II's right makes the largest contribution to portability - even with stackfields all over the place. good luck! Jim Daley CSC - jdaley@cix.compulink.co.uk - opinions are mine alone :)
© William Yuan 2000