> Could someone please help me in finding documentation on the Ingres API. > i.e. those function calls which written into the code after the ESQL C > pre-processor have done it's job. > > e.g. > EXEC SQL OPEN DATABASE :dbname; > > becomes > IIsqConnect(dbname,char*(0).....); > > Please.. I *need* information on these IIsq???() functions _asap_ > and any other function calls related to it. > >-- >Matthew Roderick mat@dsbc.icl.co.uk Good luck finding any documentation on these functions ;) As far as I know they have never been released in public documentation. I'm curious as to why you need information on these. I've used Embedded QUEL and SQL for over 10 years and never cared about them. -- Steve Caswell | (404) 448-7727 | "The opinions expressed are my Principal Consultant | sfc@tpghq.com | own. They may not be perfect, The Palmer Group | uunet!tpghq!sfc | but they're all I've got."
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