: Steve Fatula wrote: : ASK recommends doing a "periodic" checkpoint of the master database iidbdb. : Ok, that makes sense. But, should one also enable journaling on each of the : tables within it? Or, only select tables? With 80 tables or so in iidbdb, : that's a lot of typing though I suppose one could create a script easily : enough to enable journaling on all tables in iidbdb. ckpdb +j will turn on journaling for all of the tables in the iidbdb. : It appears they recommend enabling journaling esp when using knowledge : management. Yes, because finddbs does not recreate that information. Also finddbs will not be available in the next release. Bill Muskett Ingres Technical Support >Has anyone out there successfully checkpointed 'iidbdb' on a Sun ? Either on >Solaris 1 or 2..... If you have can you post the command line used... > >I believe the trick is passing the user '$ingres' to the checkpoint program.. > >Steve > From the C shell (bleck), I just use ingres@valandil[7] uname -a SunOS valandil 5.2 Generic_100999-38 sun4c sparc ingres@valandil[8] ckpdb -u'$ingres' iidbdb or ingres@valandil[9] ckpdb -s iidbdb The idea is to protect the $ingres from the shell. In C-shell, anything between single quotes is "protected" from interpretation. You shell may be different. Cheers, Michael Leo ADC Telecommunications (612) 936-8305 (voice) mike_leo@adc.com
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