CorVu Pty Ltd has just released dbCGI, a free gateway between databases and the World Wide Web. dbCGI comes with support for Informix, Ingres, ODBC, Oracle, Progress and Sybase. Inspired by the database gateway work of Decoux. dbCGI takes the raw concepts of inline SQL markup to a new level to allow you to format the output of SQL in a highly flexible manner using all the facilities available in HTML. Key features include: * Highly flexible HTML formatting of the output of SQL queries, which enables you to create both read only and HTML form pages. * Database independence You can easily develop yourweb page with one DBMS, and switch to another at a later date. * Easy to port to a new DBMS - the database specific modules each take only 250 lines of straight forward code. * Ability to use HTTP query strings and form input in SQL. * Security features allowing verification of input. * Master/detail style output can easily be achieved. * Support for BLOB data, such as images, sound and video. * An easy to use syntax which is similar to the syntax of HTML itself. If you have written an HTML document, you can be productive with dbCGI within minutes of installation. dbCGI is currently available from the Progress Web server: dbCGI is an unsupported, free software product of CorVu Pty Ltd. _____________________________________________________________________________ Senator Exon will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes UNSW explicitly disowns my opinions - |<- Guess who'll be second See: | troy@cbme.unsw.EDU.AU
© William Yuan 2000