On May 13, 15:01, Gan Wei Yong wrote: > Subject: *.dmp file in dmp directory > > We have daily ckpdb backup for one of our ingres database, and it created 2 files under dump directory /appli/ingres/dmp/default/database. (file name is c0000001.dmp, d0000001.dmp etc...) > > We notice the c*.dmp file will be created for every 'ckpdb' but d*.dmp is not. > .... > > Anybody know what is the purpose of d*.dmp files ? why sometime this file is created but sometimes is not. ... I believe the d*.dmp files are a record of transactions that occurred during the online checkpoint. If nothing interesting happened, no d*.dmp file is created. The c*.dmp file is a control file, basically a copy of the aaaaaaa.cnf file (I don't pretend to know the exact relationship). You can delete the d*.dmp file only if you are deleting the checkpoint too and never plan to use that checkpoint ever again. -- Karl Schendel Phone: (412) 963-8844 Telesis Computer Corp Fax: (412) 963-1373 wiz@telesismfg.com Hi Gan, The files in the dump directory are VERY IMPORTANT! The c*.dmp files are saved configuration files. You get one per checkpoint. It is the configuration file at the time the checkpoint commenced. It is essential to have the saved configuration file from a checkpoint if you wish to use that checkpoint to recover your database with a rollforwarddb. The d*.dmp files are the dump files. These record the before images of all records changed during the lifetime of the checkpoint. This is done for all tables not just the journalled tables. They are totally essential for the recovery of your database to the time the checkpoint finished. The existence of thre d*.dmp files indicates that you are getting dumping occuring during your checkpoint. To restore your database with a rollforwarddb you not only require the saved configuration file for the checkpoint, you also require any dump files written by that checkpoint and the journal files. Use infodb dbname to tell you which checkpoint owns which dump file(s) and what journals are also required. eg. ----Checkpoint History for Journal---------------------------------------------- Date Ckp_sequence First_jnl Last_jnl valid mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... Sat Oct 11 03:37:22 1997 328 1103 1103 1 ONLINE Sat Oct 11 21:49:44 1997 329 1104 1104 1 ONLINE Mon Oct 13 04:15:28 1997 330 1105 1106 1 ONLINE Tue Oct 14 03:37:06 1997 331 1107 1108 1 ONLINE ----Checkpoint History for Dump------------------------------------------------- Date Ckp_sequence First_dmp Last_dmp valid mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... Sat Oct 11 03:37:22 1997 328 0 0 1 ONLINE Sat Oct 11 21:49:44 1997 329 330 330 1 ONLINE Mon Oct 13 04:15:28 1997 330 331 331 1 ONLINE Tue Oct 14 03:37:06 1997 331 0 0 1 ONLINE ----Cluster Journal History----------------------------------------------------- All the checkpoints listed above are marked valid so I can use anyone of them to recover my database. I know for a fact that only checkpoint 329 and 330 are available on disk the others on tape. (This is not displayed in the infodb output, it is a site dependant thing - after all you should know what your checkpointing to and when). If I was to recover my database from checkpoint 330 to the current date and time, I would require: 1. Saved configuration file: c0000330.dmp 2. Saved Dump files: d0000331.dmp 3. Journal to get database to point in time that checkpoint 330 completes: ie j0001104.jnl 4. All Journals and Dumps written since that checkpoint. In this case only Journals and they are numbers j0001105.jnl to j0001108.jnl inclusive. The rollforwarddb commnad would then be: rollforwarddb '#c330' +j -udbowner dbname You rely upon these files to recover your database. Hence deleting them should only be done when the files are sufficiently old that they are no longer required to recover the database. ie so many subsequent checkpoints have occurred. At our site we compress saved configuration, dump and journal files after 3 days and remove them after 5. This can also vary dependant upon the importance of the database. In some cases we remove after 14 days. This process can be scripted using the infodb output as a guide. Your script should ensure that the files required to restore from the last valid checkpoint are NEVER compressed or removed. Hope that explains it all. Martin Bowes
© William Yuan 2000