OpenLink Software is pleased to announce commercial availability of the following :- High-Performance JDBC Drivers for CA-Ingres : 1. JDBC 1.02 & 1.1 Drivers 2. OpenLinkWeb classes - these facilitate the development of JDBC Applets where there the Web Brrowser isn't JDK 1.1 compliant. High-Performance ODBC Drivers for CA-Ingres 1. Version 1.5 of our High-Performance ODBC Drivers for CA-Ingres (6.4 & OpenIngres) are now available. All the above products can be downloaded for *FREE* evaluation from: (North & South America) or (Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia) Enjoy ! -- Best Regards, Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Universal Database Connectivity Technology Providers
© William Yuan 2000