wrote: : To the Ingres Gurus spread across the Net, : : We have a requirement wherein the on-screen data display format has to be : determined and defined at run-time. That is to say, the table field used to : hold the dataset for display cannot be defined at the time of creation of the : form under the VIFRED utility, but be determined at run-time from the : specification of the columns to be displayed from one or more tables. : : We are exploring the possibility of developing this utility using ESQL/C and : the dynamic FRS of INGRES. We have realised (or may we be corrected on : this!!) that even under "dynamic" FRS, a form that is sought to be displayed : should have been FULLY defined under VIFRED earlier and that the DEFINITION : of any part/field of the form itself cannot be "dynamically" carried out at : run time. : : We would be thankful for any information/guidance on the above "dynamic : form definition" aspect of the DYNAMIC FRS of INGRES. : : TIA : : Ingres Group of ITC Limited, Bangalore, India. I don't believe there's any supported way to create or modify a form at runtime. Obviously it's possible, since Vifred, QBF, and Vision all do it, but the API isn't documented. (The routines are in libingres.a, but you'd also need some include files to define the types they use.) I see two ways you can proceed. First, you can ask CA to document the dynamic interface. Second, you can consider using W4GL instead of the FRS; dynamic form creation and modification is fully supported and documented in W4GL. Mike
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