In comp.databases.ingres, Mark Witneywrote: >Dear all >Is there a way in which the wildcards that Ingres uses (*, % and _ ) can be >restricted/changed? >We want to remove the underscore as a wildcard as it is part of some of our >data and causes unexpected results from time to time! >Any help or advice will be gratefully received! >Many thanks >Mark Mark: You need to use an escape value: To find all rows where bar begins with the string "john_", use the following SQL: SELECT * FROM foo WHERE like 'john\_%' escape '\' You can use any character for your escape character. The following SQL statement is identical (functionally): SELECT * FROM foo WHERE like 'john#_%' escape '#' The escape character dereferences the special characteristics of the wildcard. Good luck! --Kent Kent Smith The Palmer Group (617) 246-1630
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