Jeannie, I have recovered a single table from checkpoint on couple of instances and it has worked OK. Although it is unsupported and I do not take any reponsibilities for any harm it will do to your database. I hope the table was not dropped and was modify to truncated as you say. 1) select * from iifile_info where table_name = '.......'. This will give you file_name for each location for that table. 2) Extract file_name from each checkpoint tar. 3) To be safe shutdown the server 4) Replace file corresponding to this table in each location by the file extracted. 5) Restart ingres [Ed: As a sanity check: 6) Run verifydb -mreport -sdbname "....." -oxtables ..... -u..... and make sure there are no errors in your output and errlog.log.] 7) Sysmod the database. Let me know if you have any questions. Gajendra : : I'm in a panic. I need to recover one (large) table in my database from : a checkpoint. I thought I had saved the data into a temporary table (but : had gotten an error) and so I truncated this one. I can only see how to : rollforward the entire database (I'll continue looking through the : documentation, though). Is there a way to just do a single table? : : FYI, the db is on a VAX and is Ingres 6.3. : Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. : - Jeannie : : -- Gajendra Jain DBA,TRIS Division Voice.(217)351-8250 Ext:2381 CSC CIS - TRIS Division Fax.(217)351-7420 2109 Fox Drive Email. Champaign, IL 61824-0770
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