Martin Bowes wrote: >Hi There, > > $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/iiacct > > What is it? > Seeing as how the file is now 59M and growing I'd like to find out! > > I cant find any references to the file in the manuals. There is no entry > in the config.dat that references it. I know it belongs to ingres as a > strings on iimerge mentions the file. > > It seems to be some sort of data file. But associated with what? > The name suggests the auditing system but I have all of that turned off. > If I examine the file with strings it seems to be mainly composed of lines > like: > IIDBMS > :Ď67 > > and much other meaningless gobbeldygook. > > Any Ideas? > > Marty Bowes > > PS. Running OI1.2 patch 6013 on DUNIX 4.0d > >-- >Random Duckman Quote #13: >Duckman - I brake for animals,..if they're big enough to dent my car. From: James GramlingSubject: Re: iiacct??? Martin, This means that the dbms server parameter "session_accounting" is set to "ON", and the server is logging a register every time a user session terminates. That's about all I know... never used it before! Regards, James Gramling Commit Informática Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (remove NOSPAM to reply)
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