Description of II_POLLDELAY --------------------------- II_POLLDELAY is used to affect the INGRES event system and the event systems job is to act as central waiting point for all possible operations for a which a server must wait to complete. There are two class of events - Memory Events Events signalled through shared memory... - OS Events Events signalled through some operating system mechanism... II_POLLDELAY directly effects the OS events system so the following is a description of this system... The central waiting point is a routine called 'iiCLpoll', which is a wrapper for one of the following system calls 'select' or 'poll'. Hence when you run 'truss' etc... on the server you see it wating one of these system calls, specifically 'poll' on the DRS6000. OS events are setup by calls to a routine called 'iiCLfdreg' which registers a file descriptor with 'iiCLpoll' so that when operations are possible on that FD the server can perform them, usually these operations are peformed in completion routines passed to 'iiCLfdreg'. So communications over pipes, FE to BE, will wake 'iiCLpoll', also the slave processes wake 'iiCLpoll' by sending a single byte on a pipe which has been registered via 'iiCLpoll' this is event is used to abort 'iiCLpoll' as the slave then communicates through shared memory. The idle loop of the server calls 'CS_find_events' before callling 'iiCLpoll' and the 'CS_find_events' call will discover any memory events by examining shared memory. >'Now we get to the interesting the bit which explains why when >the server is busy it takes along time for a user to connect' When a server is busy, 'CS_find_events' is called between every thread switch to poll for memory events BUT 'iiCLpoll' is called occasionaly to poll for OS events ie such as FE/BE communications...the reason being is that it is an expenisive call, peformance wise... >So how does II_POLLDELAY effect the calling of 'iiCLpoll' ?..... The events system keeps track of time by the following process the DMFRCP process has a timer, II_RCP_TIMER, that expires regulary for its own need, i assume group commit timer, this timer is used to increment a shared memory counter. This counter is used to avoid calling 'iiCLpoll' between every thread switch, for the reason stated above, the event system examines this timer to determine on which thread switch to call 'iiCLpoll'. The symbol 'II_POLLDELAY' can bet set to determine the number of milliseconds between each call to 'iiCLpoll'. So if you decrease 'II_POLLDELAY' the default is 500 milliseconds 'iiCLpoll' is called more often and any user who is sending information to the server will be seen much quicker...the overhead being that anywork done by the server will take longer to complete as more of the machines time is spent in 'system' and not 'user' mode. All the above is thanks to Rich Muth
© William Yuan 2000