I am currently running Ingres 5.0/6 :-( and 6.4/03 :-| The software base is a combination of ABF, REPORT WRITER, QUEL, COBOL, C, SQL on VMS 5.5-2. I have a production vax box and a development/test vax box with shared clustered DASD. Management would like to move to the current release CA indicates I can move to OpenIngres 1.1/04 or 6.4/06(released June 4th) I thought CA was going to stop development of the 6.4 line. Which would cause me to move to OpenIngres line. I have suggested removing the QUEL to go to the straight SQL code. The programming staff indicates there are less features in SQL then Quel. So my questions are as follows: 1. Is 6.4 Line dead or is there a future? 2. With ABF as a base - no thoughts to move to W4GL, but maybe someday to Powerbuilder where would you go OpenIngres or 6.4? 3. My migration for 6.4/03 to 6.4/06 OR OpenIngres looks straightforward enough. Palmer Associates have done a nice job reviewing this in DM Review this year. But the migration path for 5.0/06 is unclear? Thanks in advance for your input. Jer Ingres/Sybase DBA jerry_p._clare%chase%chase_na_external@notes.worldcom.com From: Caroline McKallorSubject: Re: migration to ingres current release? Date: 16 Jul 1996 14:32:31 -0400 Jer (& any other Version 5 people still left out there?), Some version 5 to 6.4 conversion tips. You must convert your 5 stuff to 6.4 (open ingres is not a direct option from 5 - I am pretty sure). We completed our major conversion about a year and 1/2 ago. Our 5 environment was : our primary production database (over 5 gigabytes, I think) 7 X 12 operation. sql (what a mistake!) for all our abf apps (many procs in sql/c), mostly quel (some sql) embedded in C stand alone programs - (no forms) mostly quel reports (some sql) vax/vms converted 5.0/07 to 6.4/03 1. Quel conversion from 5 to 6 is a breeze, sql conversion from 5 to 6 is nuclear wind... lots of fallout and loss of hair. Expect LIKE a lot of fussing with syntax, queries, wildcards with your SQL. 2. Get the latest 5 to 6 conversion manual and read it. Don't believe all that it says, but it is very helpful, of course. 3. Don't expect much help from tech support, in fact it might be dangerous to ask for help. In my opinion, this is completely foreign territory for them. 4. There are things that the conversion manual does not tell you that you need to know. a. use the copy /reload method if at all possible (otherwise known as avoid using the convert-to-6 program). Our incredible pain and suffering came when our convert process died, we called tech support and they compounded the problem (by giving us bad advice - telling us to drop some corrupted indexes out of our partially converted database) and we were then stuck with a worthless, partially converted, corrupt, goin-nowhere database. It seems that the convert program can find corruption where your five system did not care. You supposedly can keep going even if corruption if found, by restarting the convert program, but we couldn't get it to run after dropping the indexes. Better to copy out and reload fresh and clean and good data if you can. (I can't blame tech support - probably one person a year converts. Helpful advice like "run verifydb on your 5 database first" should have warned us since verifydb is not a version 5 command.) b. most copy out files (copyform, copyrep, etc.) are portable from version 5 to 6. This came in very handy for us after we figured it out. It says nothing about this in the conversion manual. Test this out first, of course. c. if your database is large - system table wise - the convert-to-6 program takes forever anyway - it took us FOUR DAYS!! to convert a copy of our database for test with hardly any data. We had a ton of system table stuff (hundreds of apps and hundreds of reports and that was what took forever.) If you have a lot of that stuff and still want to use the convert-to-6 program, copy it out and get rid of it from your 5 database before you run the convert program. We did that before we tried the for real conversion. (otherwise it would have run for a week, at least, had it worked). d. Your creative permits will no longer work for your sql apps. Your existing permits become "quel permits" and you will need sql permits. You are stuck using Knowledge Management "Groups" if you managed group access though your quel permits with your own tables. If you restricted access to the field level with permits you must now set up views and grant permits to the views. I really hated to see the permit get so dumbed down. And passing that damn group flag everytime you want group permits applied is also a pain. 5. We experienced drastic changes in performance - mostly great but some impossibly bad. The bad performance was from very complex quel queries. We had to re-write a few programs (to simpler quel not sql, of course). 6. Expect problems - our 5 implementation revealed weaknesses (or should I say features) in 6 that we had no idea about beforehand (like the permit and group problem). Since everyone does things differently, you may find new and stranger problems. 7. Convert your smallest databases first. Size has everything to do with how hard conversion can be. Our second database, a much smaller one, was converted flawlessly!!! over a weekend, without the convert-to-6 program. Practice makes perfect. 8. I could go on but I'll shut up now. As for your question about OpenIngres vs. 6.4, did I read here a while back that CA was not supporting Cobol in OpenIngres or was I dreaming? Caroline McKallor Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, WA
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