>I executed iishutdown and > apparently INGRES thought a server was up still. It couldn't shut the > server process so it prompted me with the message do you want me to stop the > process? And of course I answered yes. The server process was in a MUTEX > state and could not be stopped. I even issued a stop/process command from > VMS, VMS couldn't even kill the process. I ended up rebooting the system Hi Sal, It sounds like you need to increase the /BYTELM startup parameter in your IIRUNDBMS.COM file. Shortage of BYTELM often causes DBMS servers to go into MUTEX state from which there is no return. Regards, Tony. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Smith tsmith@ingres.com If there's an opinion here, it's mine ! All mine ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The solution I've found is to go into the name server (IINAMU) and delete the server thread(s). Then you will be able to shutdown and startup with no problem. Mike Meyer -- Honeywell MICRO SWITCH Information Systems Technical Services Email : ingres@il50hpd1.micro.honeywell.com USMail: 11 Spring Street MS B2-887 TEL : (815)266-3030
© William Yuan 2000