Integrity Constraints don't require procedural coding, thus they are easier to implement syntactically. Procedures take more server memory and perhaps you'll have several more "source" code files to manage for your project. In the flip side, in our "real world" I find that most of our Ingres developers design applications that are "most of the time" too complex to be implemented in integrity constraints and they virutally always setup the application's "rules" as triggers/procedures right from the start. HTH "Clovis V. Protti" and/or "Claudia S. Lopez"wrote in article <>... > Please, > > Anyone can tell me your experience in use of Integrity Constraints; what > would you rather to use, Integrity Constraints or Rules ?? > > Thank you for any help you can give to me. > > Clovis > For CHECK CONSTRAINTS I would recommend use of constraint rather than rule. For UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY and REFERENTIAL CONSTRAINTS you should be aware that these are implemented in OI by use of internal rules and database procedures and that each constraint creates a different secondary index on your database table. Implement many constraints and you will have many secondary indexes - with possible impact on locking, update performance and query optimisation times. Often, depending on access paths, it may be better to create a unique primary index on your primary key (eg. modify table to btree unique), rather than to use a primary key constraint. John
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