From: Elena YatzeckSubject: Re: Ingres and JDBC At 10:54 AM 10/23/96 +0000, you wrote: >I'm not certain if this question belongs here? > >Is anyone out there using JDBC and java to access their Ingres DBs. > >I have been tasked with the development of a library set which provides >Ingres access via java applets. > >Does anyone know where a good source of information is about implementing >such a library set. >-- >Peter Iannarelli > > >Tel: (416)418-0408 >Fax:(416)591-7303 Hi Peter, There's a group of people who have already written a native Ingres JDBC driver. I saw this demoed at CA-World, and it looks really impressive (we're buying it!) See their home page at: Elena -------- Elena M. Yatzeck, Lead Programmer GSB Computing Services University of Chicago 41* 46' 52" N x 87* 36' 18" W
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