(Bill Eaton) writes: >We have been testing DNS (domain name service) for our in-house network. >Everything works fine when we change a host to DNS - except Ingres/NET. > >What happened (after cutover, reboot) was that all our 'netu' entries >(both global and private) vanished. We can re-enter them, but would >rather not, as this means manual re-entry by many different users. >Meantime, we backtracked to /etc/hosts - and our netu entries >reappeared ! > >Does anyone know what's happening here, and how we avoid it? >This was INGRES 6.4/05 on Sequent ptx 4.0.2 > >TIA > >Bill Eaton Your host name changed. It now includes the domain name on the end. All the Ingres net security files down in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/file/... have the wrong name. Rename these so they have the domain on the end and everything *might* work. Cheers, |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Michael Leo | The Ingres FAQ is at, /pub/ingres. | | York & Associates, Inc.| Also check out /pub/ingres/utilities/NAIUA for | | Minneapolis, MN, USA | the NAIUA Tool Kit. Lastly, access all this via| | (612) 921-8083 (voice) | WWW at | | | All constructive suggestions/criticism welcome. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Subject: Re: installation password ?? Date: 15 Nov 1995 16:04:32 GMT Organization: Felixstowe Dock & Railway Company Lines: 13 Message-ID: <48d32g$4di$> References: <9511151107.AA16170@rgdserv1.haarlem> Where your installation uses Ingres net, it is a facility where you can set authorisation for a workstation to connect to a server, irrespective of the user logged onto the workstation. In netu on the server set the installation password by using * as the user. Then on each workstation set the authorisation for each * user to the installation password. The installation password can be set up for each server. You cant, however, have both installation and specific passwords pointing to the same installation. From: "Jones, Gerard" ( Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 10:00:33 +0100 Before going ahead setting up Ingres Net with installation passwords there are several considerations one needs to make depending on company policy, how Ingres Net is used, etc... I personally like using installation passwords but recommend that any administrator should read section 2.17 of the "IngresII Ingres/Net User Guide" which is available as a pdf from CA's web site. The arguments are relevant to Ingres 6.4 as well. Gerard E. Jones - AVDC I.T. Division 01296 585302 Mobile Phone 0798 0039833
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