From Sat Jan 24 01:21:03 1998 At 11:39 AM 1/23/98 +0100, A.M. De Jong wrote: >Is there any checklist of things that should be investigated >(and in what order) when an installation has performance >problems. >(For instance: sysmod, optimizedb, modify, etc) >Is it wise to use II_EMBED_SET possibility for investigating >output and what will be the best way to use this ? All the consultant-types like myself are madly typing "That's what you pay people like us for!" Seriously, there is no cookbook. The first thing to do is get better data. Is the system always slow? Sometimes? When? Doing any one specific thing? Is it ever fast enough? Is it ever fast enough with a full user load? Can slow periods be correlated with any particular report or process? If the system is just generally slow, you may have a hardware issue. Do some system stats and see if the CPU is buried, or if the disks are saturated. See if you have enough memory. If there are certain things that are slow, you have to look at the database and application. Yes, II_EMBED_SET can be quite useful for highlighting problem queries. Also, decide whether or not the problem is really a locking problem. I use some scripts that dig out the 10 longest-running queries from each session for a day (using II_EMBED_SET output). It's usually pretty easy to spot frequently recurring queries that are dogging the system, and similar problems. Sysmod rarely makes a substantial difference in overall performance, in my experience. Optimizedb can make a big difference but you have to know what columns you need stats on, which in turn means you have to know what queries are slow and why. (ie, you need QEP's). Table modifys can make a big difference sometimes. More frequently, you have to dig into the application and change it, or change the database structure in some way to better support the application. And sometimes your hardware is simply underpowered. Karl R. Schendel, Jr. K/B Computer Associates Ingres and Unix Expertise NAIUA Member-At-Large From: Roy HannSubject: Re: IngresII >> What I will tell you is that it is easy to make Ingres II slow and that the >> default configuration parameters are just plain goofey. In fact that goes >> for most versions of Ingres. I am not exaggerating when I say that 9 out of >> 10 Ingres installations I look at are horribly mis-configured. > >Can you give me some pointers to material on this? Unfortunately I can't, other than the general comments I will make below. Obviously there is some information in the manuals, but nowhere near enough. There is also some information in some of the CA training materials, but unless you go on the courses you won't be able to get hold of that. (In the UK I can recommend the High Performance course (PERFII), which I occasionally teach. I don't think that course is offered in North America--even though Karl would like it to be.) Third-parties such as DMT ( have very detailed and informative training materials too, and their courses are available in North America. The topic is too huge to tell you everything you need to know here, but I'll give you a few pointers. Performance comes down to two major issues: disk I/O and locking. Ultimately you have to have a good physical database design and well designed transactions. You also have to have a well tuned server. The usual dogma is that tuning will get the best performance out of a good system, but it won't make a bad system good. That is true, but I would also say that a really, really badly configured server will make even a good system do badly, and unfortunately the default configuration that you get when Ingres installs is really quite bad indeed. I regularly see systems with a substantial fraction of a gigabyte of RAM, and Ingres is using 700K for example! Look at your cache hit rate (use trace point dm420 to get the buffer manager statistics). Obviously you want a high hit-rate. "High" means REALLY high. It is hard to get a hit-rate less than about 85%--you should regard that as a poor hit-rate. You want something in excess of 97%. Add more single page buffers to increase the ratio of HITS to FIX-CALLS. If GREADS is high, add more group buffers too. Look at the lockstat header, and look at the number of lock waits and lock escalations. Set MAXLOCKs higher to reduce the rate at which you accumulate lock waits. Remember that each wait could be very long because the Ingres default is to wait forever. There is WAY more to say about this, but I've already spent 20 minutes of my finite and rapidly diminishing lifetime on this message, so I'll stop there. :-) Hope it helps! Roy Hann Rational Commerce Ltd.
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