> What is INGPERL? > Thanks. > Ingperl is the Ingres interface to the Perl Language. The name Ingperl is customarily used for the old Perl4 version of the interface. A new (and much better :) perl5 interface exists. See http://www.hermetica.com/technologia/perl/DBI for further infomation about the database interfaces to perl. See http://www.perl.org for further information about perl. --- Henrik Tougaard ht@datani.dk (a.k.a. ht000@foa.dk) Datani A/S, Software Consultants, Copenhagen, Denmark #includeHuguette Dupont <"stud6z5"@nortel.ca (bnr400)> wrote: > > Does anybody knows how to execute a DB procedure with IngPerl? > > I tried this : &sql_exec("EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_name"); > > The procedure is executed but I have a problem with the returned >value. I'm not sure what you're trying to retrieve in "the returned value", but generally speaking, if you want to obtain the number of records updated/ inserted &sql("EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_name") would work better. From what I recall, &sql_exec is best for immediate actions: connect, disconnect, commit, rollback; and &sql for insert/update/delete/copy, and nearly everything else... One of the drawbacks of using &sql() heavily is the need to periodically call &sql_close (or &sql_exec('commit'); &sql_close). Hope this helps. Bruce Irvin
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