> Martin , > > Thanks...now it works... > Permissions of leaf node Directory was not sufficient .... > > Now One more favour , Just tell me about first three lines which you > wrote on your reply.. > checkpointing is enabled on iidbdb......see... > I am basically a person of Unix and C/C++ ...now I have to look > Ingres admin also ... I have to learn a lot in ingres.. > > Brief me, about your suggestion .. which you named as separate issue > > ======================================================= > Dheeraj, > > What the errlog tells me is that you should immediatly 'ckpdb +j iidbdb'. > > There is no good reason not to have journaling on iidbdb. > > But thats a separate issue to your existing problem. > ========================================================== > > Dheeraj, > > [Dheeraj Saxena > Sr. S/w Engr. > MIS , Modi Xerox Ltd. > 0595-352052 - India > E. Mail # Dheeraj.Saxena@ind.xerox.com] Hi Dheeraj, If the sysmod has worked, exactly what produced the message: 'Permissions of leaf node Directory was not sufficient' Was that displayed after the sysmod or was it in the errlog? I'm a little concerned about that message. I'm about to leave for the weekend but I'm sure someone else in the group can help if there is a problem. As for the ckpdb. The database iidbdb is THE MOST IMPORTANT datatbase in an ingres installation. Without it you can simply forget connecting to any of the others. It contains details of all the users. This includes what level of user they are as well as what datbases they may or may not access. It keeps details on every database in the installation, where their default locations are, what alternate locations they may use, etc. It keeps information on all groups and who is a member of that group. Ditto Roles. Ditto Events. As such, you definitly want journaling turned on for this database. Not to do so runs the risk that should a checkpoint recovery of iidbdb become necessary (and I've had to do a few!!) that you may lose details added since the most recent successful checkpoint. This is not a situation you wish to find yourself in, it would be VERY UNPLEASANT. The '+j' option simply requests that journalling be turned on for the database. Once having turned it on all subsequent checkpoints need not mention the '+j' at all, the journalling status will remain constant. Note that the '+j' option does require an exclusive lock on the database before it can begin. As mentioned above the iidbdb is critical for users access to the other databases, hence you normally wont be able to get this lock on iidbdb until you have successfully kicked all the users out of the system. Note that journalling requires space. You will have to monitor the disk space available in II_JOURNAL and come up with a plan to remove old journals from it after an appropriate period. Don't remove journals tied to the current checkpoint no matter how old they are. As you have C background I'm sure you can work out some simple monitoring scripts to aid you in this process. Best of luck, Martin Bowes
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