To Computer Associates- Please remove LicenseIT which is required by Ingres II and Openroad 4. LicenseIT can only run under NT 4.0 - a Unix version is not yet available! If you can't get an NT box to run LicenseIT, then I recommend you contact your CA License representative and get CA to fill in the LRF License Request File on your behalf!! Have a look at the CA LicenseIT page and at the License IT patches My first attempt at the licensing procedure was: Run LicenseIT to generate LRF file or contact CA License with machine information (run CAMINFO first). CA will send you an OLF Omni License File for each machine. Run INSTALIT to extract the OLF for your machines. GROUPIT can be used for groups of machines. This is what I sent CA: Machine Name Machine IP Address Machine ID (from CAMINFO) Machine Type (from CAMINFO) Chassis CPU Speed Number of CPUs O/S system Products to License and exact components required - you can ask CA to look at what your site is licensed for and they will send this to the CA@USA on your behalf. And then I got an email back from CA saying I had to use LicenseIT anyway. Grrrr.... In the end, I finally got an NT box cobbled together and managed to generate the LRF file for CA. Yes! Also... > IngresII shall work only on those machines for which it has been licensed, > because it is linked to the MAC address (Media Access Control - > ethernet address) of the machine. Even if your ethernet card goes bad, and > you have to replace it with a new one, IngresII may stop working, because > the new ethernet card's MAC address is not licensed to work with IngresII !! > Good luck. > Anuj.
© William Yuan 2000