At 12:02 PM +1300 3/16/99, Mike Mohr wrote: >We have monthend procedures that allow us to selectively copy core >tables from the production database to form a frozen sample for monthend >reporting and final QA testing. (QA testing does not commence until the >sample is released by Audits.) We have reached a point where we must >expand the production database onto a second storage volume. Similarly, >we must expand the frozen sample database to reflect changes in the >production database locations. > >Our problem is this: >We are still using 6.4/06 on a UNIX platform. .... Does anyone know >how to perform the ExpandDB option of accessdb from within a shell >script? You can record the keystrokes that you use within accessdb if you run it with the (undocumented) -Ifilename option. In your shellscript, you run accessdb with the -Zfilename option to replay the keystrokes. You *must* be running the shellscript on the same kind of terminal or terminal emulator that you recorded on. It's been a while since I used -I/-Z but I think I got them the right way around. :-) Obviously a much better long term answer is to upgrade to Ingres II. The idea of restoring a checkpoint over top of an existing database (as suggested by someone else) is quite viable also. One hint, if you do this you'll want to fudge up the database ID in iidbdb on the receiving end to match the source database's ID. If you don't, it all mostly works, but IPM gets confused and says things like ?Unknown table. Karl R. Schendel, Jr. K/B Computer Associates Ingres and Unix Expertise President, North American Ingres Users Association Using the undocumented feature is the following (works on abf, images, accessdb and much others). -IRecords the keystrokes ex. abf -Imykey mydb myapp -Z Runs the keystrokes ex abf -Zmykey mydb myapp Hi Trygve Lemme
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