Jeffrey J. Bachovchinwrote in article <>... > I am running OpenIngres 1.2 on Digital UNIX 2.3 and trying to compile > and link a C program with embedded SQL. The preprocessor works fine, > creating a .c file, but when I compile the .c file, I always get the > error: > > ld: > Unresolved: > memlk > *** Exit 1 > > I have tried every library available on the system, but nothing resolves > memlk, which is included in libingres.o. The library is /usr/shlib/ Just add -lrt to your compile/link command. cc -g -o prog prog.c $II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib/libingres.a -lm -lc -lrt Ari Kaartinen Tekla Oy, Koronakatu 1, FIN-02210 Espoo Finland Ari . Kaartinen @ Tel: +358-9-8879511 Fax: +358-9-8039489
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