> One of our disks (holding the ckp) is too small to hold > the whole ckp of a db. Now I'd like to change to > ckp loction to a new location. Is there any how-to around. > I'm using OI1.2 on a Solaris 2.7 (32-bit) host. > Old ckp on /db/i_01 new should go to /tools/ > Any help there? > > Pat > -- Hi Patrick, Under OI1.2 this is now really easy. The command you want is: relocatedb dbname -udbowner -new_ckp_location=location_name First you must define the /tools as a new checkpoint location either by accessdb or by using the new SQL command 'create location'. Martin Bowes Martin's solution is the best way to do it. But for those of you out there using Ingres 6.4 with Solaris 2.7, you can use the Loopback File System, lofs. Do this:log in as root % cp -pr /db/i_01 /tools % rm -rf /db/i_O1/* % mount /tools/i_01 /db/i_01 and add the following to your /etc/vfstab: /tools/i_01 - /db/i_01 lofs ?? yes - replacing ?? with a number higher than the corresponding number that mounts /tools/i_01 in the first place. Loop back file systems are completely secure, faster, and indeed can even be used for data areas. Cheers, Michael Leo mleo@cariboulake.com mal@visi.com Caribou Lake Software http://www.cariboulake.com Java, Oracle, Ingres Minneapolis, Minnesota (612) 323-9713
© William Yuan 2000