> Steve McDanielwrites: > > > Ingres 6.5/05 HPUX 10.01 > > > > We have a database that we usually do not journal. > > (The database is only updated via batch job and we take backups after the > > update, so journaling wouldn't really buy us anything). > > > > We wanted to collect some statistics on one table. So we turned on > > journaling for that table, did the ckpdb +j, and collected the information > > we needed. > > Then we turned off journaling for that table. > > Unfortunately, all the system tables still have journaling enabled. > > > > It is difficult to find a window to issue a ckpdb -j. This is a 24x7x365 > > database. So we want to turn off journaling on the system tables. But > > when we try to do this, we get an error that these are 'system catalogs' > > and Ingres refuses to turn off journaling on these tables. > > > > We have tried going in as ingres and $ingres. Same problem. > > > > Do any of you know how to turn off journaling on the system tables without > > having to do the ckpdb -j? > > > > Thanks. > > Steve > > > > Well, you can use the "alterdb" command to turn off journaling, but > I have never played around with what kind of locking it requires. > > This will turn off journaling for the entire database without doing a > checkpoint. > > Cheers, > > Michael Leo mleo@cariboulake.com mal@visi.com > Caribou Lake Software http://www.cariboulake.com Java/RDBMS/Ingres Solutions > St. Paul, Minnesota (612) 323-9713 Hi Steve et al, I suggest extreme caution with the 6.4 version of alterdb. The disable_journaling option used to really SCREW databases. I don't know what its current status is but we got burned once a long time ago and haven't touched it since. The next thing is, why bother turning journaling off at all? It's doing no harm being on. As you say the database is only updated by batch jobs I suspect the journaling requirement on the catalogs may be close to zero anyway. The most you'll get is the standard 8k Journal file created on every checkpoint. So what! I'll bet you already have a job to clean up old journals and dumps form your other databases. Simply extend that. Martin Bowes.
© William Yuan 2000