From comp.databases.ingres Tue Aug 27 18:42:34 1996 From: Dwight R ColesAndre A. das Trevas Junior ( replied with a solution which was a combination I had not tried, but which really does work! > We are using OR 3.5 with Tools for Windows on Windows 3.11. > It works ok. > The workaround for us was: > 1 - Install Ingres Net suitable for TFW. In this case, install Net 6.4/04 > 2 - Install TFW. Also 6.4/04 > 3 - Install OpenRoad in the same II_SYSTEM directory tree. Version 3.5 off of newly released CD-ROM > 4 - And it's all ok, believe you. > > Summary of original post.... > >here's a brain tickler which CA Tech Support can't figure out how to do... > > > >I'd like to run a Win 3.1 machine with both the OpenRoad > >development environment and Tools for Windows at the same > >time. Both will need to talk across IngresNET to a Unix > >db server machine. > > > >HOWEVER, the version of NET which is compatible with > >OR 3.5 is INCOMPATIBLE with NET for will talk to > >Tools for Windows 6.4/04. You install one, and the > >incompatible application bombs with access violations > >when it tries to start up. To cause this error - I had put the OpenRoad stuff on first and, following installation instructions, made sure that the NET and Tools for Windows were in a separate directory tree, installed second. Then regardless of what II_SYSTEM was set to, one set of apps would not run. > >Dwight Coles - Thanks a bunch, Andre! Dwight Coles
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