From: bowes@bucket.its.unimelb.EDU.AU (Martin Bowes) Subject: Re: FW: INGRES DBMS server justice Hi Manmander, II_QSWITCH is an ingres environment variable. It is not a server variable available to be set inside cbf. Set it using: ingsetenv II_QSWITCH xxx where xxx is a time in milliseconds. What you wish to set it to is largely a site dependant feature. If you have 50+ users per server all clamouring for som activity then I'd suggest that setting quantum_size to 1000 is inappropriate and a much lower value is in order. The description of this variable and in particular how to set values less than 500 ms is very poor. I've always been instructed to set both values low and with luck one will work! It seems that all is not well in this area! Try setting the II_QSWITCH and quantum_size to 100 and see if that helps. In this case you can start a new server up and simply set the old server shut and allow its connections to die off gracefully. All connections to the new server will then function with the new settings. Reading between the lines, I'll guess that you are concerned about performance and are considering attacking the servers first. I have two comments about that: 1. server tuning is a black art. Tread very warily. Dont change a lot of parameters all at once. 2. Unless we are talking a major shortfall in say memory assigned to the optimizer (which gives some very strident error messages) then I'd suggest that the bulk of performance gains are not going to be made in the server. By far the majority of performance improvements are to be gained by tuning the databases themselves. By which I mean the appropriateness of the structure of any table, its keying given the majority of its usage and the nature (interactive/batch) of that usage. Secondary Indicies can be very usefull, they can also be bloody appalling in performance if the sec index(s) for a table are used only by a few processes. In such a case all other activity must carry the burden of the indexes and this can be very draining. Overflow chains need to be checked regularly, table maintance and keeping high quality statistics are essential tasks. To this end I suggest you monitor the queries being executed in your servers and commence by focusing on those queries that are the most commonly observed. This is a 'Monte Carlo' approach, but I have found it very usefull in the vast majority of tuning exercises. A script to do this is very easy to write. After this check the applications, particularly the locking strategies. A poor locking strategy in a highly concurrent environment can wreak havoc. You should also check for constant type conversions, these can be draining on your CPU resources. Regularly scan the errorlog for deadlocks, lock escallations and timeouts. There are several non Ingres System resources you should monitor. Check for disk i/o bottlenecks. Check for excessive paging and swapping. Check for a CPU problems. A lot of tuning is also a matter of making value judgements for the peculiarities of your site. ie What is important for you guys may not be important for anyone else. Your call. Best of luck, Martin Bowes > At 8:33 AM +1100 11/25/98, Martin Bowes wrote: > > [re: nasty query sucking a server dry] > >Hi Andrej, > > > > Have you altered the value of ingres environment variable II_QSWITCH as > > well as -quantum in your server config file. > > > > I find setting II_QSWITCH=100 and -quantum 75 helpful. > > There has traditionally been a good bit of mystery surrounding II_QSWITCH > vs -quantum in 6.4. Most of the Unix platforms I've experimented with > only seem to pay attention to -quantum. It may in fact be that VMS is > one platform where you have to set both. In any case, setting both is > certainly worth trying before you give up on the whole quantum idea. > > > Karl R. Schendel, Jr. > K/B Computer Associates > Ingres and Unix Expertise > > President, North American Ingres Users Association > > Join the NAIUA and make your voice heard!
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