> Hi everybody > > Somebody knows about refresh the dmf cache without stopping the dbms server? > > I have some problems destroying and creating a new version of rules and > procedures on line; aparently the users sessions read from the dmf cache the > old rule and procedure. The problem stop when I run ingtop and then ingstart > (of course this clean the dmf cache). > > Thanks in Advance Hi Oscar, Rules and procedures are not stored in the DMF Cache. They are stored in the RDF Cache. Furthermore, unlike a shareable DMF Cache each server has its own RDF Cache. This is why when you reload a rule or procedure you find that not all servers know about it! Cute eh! What you need to do is simply script a routine that will work out all the currently executing servers then reload the rule or procedure into each of them by playing with the setting of II_DBMS_SERVER. Martin Bowes Hi, You can use trace point DM421 by attaching to each dbms server and then in a SQL session enter: set trace point DM421 \g This will flush the buffer cache of DMF. John John McKenna Database Administrator & NAIUA Product Directions Chairperson Email: john_mckenna@mei.memec.com Actually I think what you want is QS506. DM421 flushes the DMF cache, which should not be necessary since Ingres keeps the DMF cache in sync across servers (usually by sharing). QS506 flushes the query storage pool, which is where REPEATED queries and db procedures are kept. Karl
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