> I have a question concerning Ingres backup and restore. > > Using: > Ingres 1.2 > Solaris 2.51 > > Can a checkpoint be used to restore a database that has been destroyed with > 'destroydb' or otherwise completely removed from the system (i.e. from a > hardware failure)? If not, what is the recommended backup method to ensure > that databases are fully recoverable? > > Thanks, > Jeff Hailer The short answer is "no". The long answer is you need to recreate the database, extend it EXACTLY the same, and then you need to replace the contects of the dmp, jnl, and ckp directories (unless you back to tape) exactly. And you need to get the aaaaaaaa.cnf file into the default data location. The catch is that you need all these files as they were sometime AFTER the checkpoint you are trying to recover was taken. Hope that helps, Cheers, Michael Leo mleo@cariboulake.com Java, Oracle Caribou Lake Software http://www.cariboulake.com Ingres, C/C++, Minneapolis, Minnesota (612) 323-9713 sockets, fun > The short answer is "no". Hmmm, well its certainly a shorter answer than mine:-) I mean an entire character representing a 33% saving in text! I absolutely agree with Mike in the case of the checkpoint tar file alone. If thats all you've got then you are in more shit than a Werribee Duck. Trust me, that aint good. However, a checkpoint tar file associated with iifile_info and a copy.in from unloaddb/copydb would be a viable solution for recovery. Although in that case referential integrity couldnt be garunteed if the checkpoint was online. However, if its the only option available, then its better than a poke in the eye with a pointy stick! > > The long answer is you need to recreate the database, extend it EXACTLY > the same, and then you need to replace the contects of the dmp, jnl, and > ckp directories (unless you back to tape) exactly. And you need to > get the aaaaaaaa.cnf file into the default data location. > This is absolutely correct. Which is why I mentioned copying so much detail from iidbdb. Myself I extract that detail at every checkpoint so that its as fresh as possible. The file containing all this information is backed up on the DUMP tape containing the checkpoint and rcp'd to a remote host where I perform my ultimate (ie. we just lost the Uni) recovery. Specifically the requirements for creating the database and extending it accordingly are in iidatabase and iilocations. > The catch is that you need all these files as they were sometime AFTER > the checkpoint you are trying to recover was taken. > Yes, the system dumps to hold II_CHECKPOINT, II_JOURNAL and II_DUMP must be taken after the checkpoint or else they wont contain the checkpoint. Martin Bowes Hi Jeff, The short answer is yes! The checkpoint recovery is the primary means of database recovery in Ingres. Unfortunately the devil is in the detail. You must be aware that the checkpoint tar file alone is insufficient to perform a meaningful recovery. You must ensure that all other data required is available on some media that cant be harmed by a destroydb or a machine failure. If you have destroyed the database, then the action of destruction will remove all disk based checkpoints, journals, dumps, config and saved config files. This will then leave you with tape based checkpoints, and whatever else may have thwarted the destruction process by being in a symlinked area. eg. I keep a large number of my checkpoints in symlinked NFS directories to store the disk checkpoints offsite. destroydb can't remove these. In the event of hardware failure you may have lost substantially more! The first thing you must do is ensure that there are regular system dumps containing (at least) II_SYSTEM, II_JOURNAL, II_CHECKPOINT and II_DUMP. It is VERY useful to regurly copy the following details from iidbdb to file (and back up to tape). select * from iiuser; select * from iilocations; select * from iidbaccess; select * from iidbpriv; select * from iiusergroup; select * from iiextend; select * from iidatabase; select * from iirole; For each database in the installation you should take a copy of iifile_info before each checkpoint. It is very useful to perform an unloaddb or copydb on each database on a regular basis. Just execute the command to prepare the copy.in files. These contain the description of every table in the database. Like the iifile_info details above these can be very handy. If all this information is saved away, then no matter what happens to an individual database or the host it resides on, you should be able to get your databases back. Martin Bowes PS. I'm assuming your databases are small enough or that your window of support wide enough to take meaningful checkpoints. Those poor buggers who aren't in this glorious position have to come up with other strategies involving Disk Mirroring etc.
© William Yuan 2000