Randy Eashwrites: > > I am looking for replicator stories. Good, Bad, Horror. Is anyone using it? > Randy, Quite a number of sites are using it in the UK. When I worked for Ingres consultancy (UK) - prior to CA's takeover - I was sent to many sites to install, configure, tune (lots and lots of tuning ;-) ), etc Replicator configurations. Replicator is very flexible (you can basically do whatever you want, wherever and however ) but, because it uses KM rules and procedures it involves relatively high i/o and processing for each row update to be replicated. It is therefore *VERY* important to get the pre-replicated system tuned and efficient and design your replication configuration 'correctly'. If you've got a problem system, doing loads of updates and you want to replicate in real time - you're gonna have problems. If you've got a tuned system and spare i/o and CPU capacity you may not even notice it. There are things that can be done once you've got the system installed to increase throughput (some of the replication catalogs can encounter locking problems but changing the structure to a sparse HASH can alleviate these). Good luck, -- Graham Parsons Principal Consultant Forest Consulting Limited bryant@mpr.ca (Nick Bryant) wrote: >Any info, good or bad or just hearsay would be graciously appreciated. >Nick Bryant >bryant@mpr.ca Here's a bit of a Horror one: We wanted to replicate most of a largeish database (2 Gig, 350 tables) to a second host to reduce the impact of on-line ad-hoc queries on the main application. Thought this would be a pretty simplistic situation for replicator to handle. That is a one-way, read only copy. Problem number one - replicator (for 6.4/05) can't handle table or column name greater than 20 chars, without modification of replicator's own templates, and even with this modification the best you get is 23 chars. This meant a number of our tables had to be re-created with shorter table and/or column names. To avoid immediated reprogramming of a 26 Mbyte application, we then had to create views which looked like the original tables so that the application would still function. After all this stuffing around, and some to and fro with the replicator setup, whenwe eventually were able to fire up replicator, we had got ourselves in a situation where the target and source data bases and the intervening replicator tables were out of sync. This turned nasty, we found that replicator was generating some internal error messages that weren't in its own message tables, and that the multi-database multi session application that drives it was getting confused in it session switching and WRITING back to the original tables in the source database. Sent CA back to the drawing board to sort that one out, and wiped replicator off the system. Still have not completely recovered from all the stuffing about with table and column names. Did notice that with the data capture side of replicator running, our locking problems (which were already bad) got quite a bit worse. This is obvious when you look at the replicator architecture, which relies on a single central table to keep track of all the transactions it must issue to the target databases. To be positive, I still intend to use replicator to get ad-hoc queries away from the main application and database, but will probably wait until I've installed OpenIngres and checked out it's version of replicator. (which I hear, has done away with the 20 char limit on names). That is, if we can ever get the sales people here to talk to us. Tassie. _______________________________________________________________ Stephen (Tassie ) Ranson sranson@pcug.org.au Phone (06) 293 3494 Intl Phone +61-6-293 2494 Fax (06) 293 2081 Intl Fax +61-6-293 2081 WWW URL http://www.pcug.org.au/~sranson Brian Parker wrote: > > Anyone had experience of Ingres/Replicator (Open or rel6)? > What applications have you used it for? > What problems or design opportunities did you encounter? > > Brian Brian, I have worked with Ingres/Replicator for a number of clients. A few of the big issues which spring to mind are listed below. No doubt others will add to this list... * Any replication scheme (regardless of what product is used) will add a significant processing load. Therefore keep it simple ! Question whether on-line replication is required (or periodic refreshes ?), can Read-Only replication be used rather than Peer-to-Peer, is Collision Resolution really required, etc... * One of the strong points about Ingres/Replicator is its flexibility in terms of both DataSets (tables/columns/values to replicate) and Paths (Source/Target databases). If your scheme is simple, read-only, or you don't mind losing the occasional transaction, it may be worthwhile to code your own solution. * Pre OpenIngres 2.0 Ingres/Replicator used database rules and procedures to record changes in archive, shadow and queue database tables. These can cause severe locking bottlenecks. Provided you can design your application with this in mind (low update volumes, use short transactions, updating few records, etc), this need not be a problem. However if your application already suffers from locking contention problems, Ingres/Replicator is likely to make things much worse. * With OpenIngres 2.0 Replication is based on the logging system and the performance overhead should be considerably less. John Gedling CACI Limited
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