At 07:08 PM 3/2/98 +0000, Mirko Veselinovic wrote: >Subject: CA-OpenIngres 1.2/01 on SCO 5.04 (sos.us5/00) GENLVL >129707RW110 > We have received and start using OpenIngres 1.2/01(for SCO), but there >are some problems in passing parameters from Vision application to >Report created in Report Writer. Look at $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/utexe.def. Find the section headed by the line: report report PROCESS and look for the param line under it. If the line reads: param "(%S)" change it to use single quotes: param '(%S)' Karl R. Schendel, Jr. K/B Computer Associates Ingres and Unix Expertise NAIUA Member-At-Large
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