In article <>, Dennis Roeslerwrote: Emne: Table doesn't exist after rollforward? The other day I needed to recover a table from a checkpoint and after running a rollforwarddb the table that I was interested in showed up in qbf, but any type of acces to it generated a "table doesn't exist or not owned by you" error. Iifile_info pointed to a non-existant file for the table. Qbf and any form of verifydb would not destroy the table that was shown in qbf. I was able to create the table again, but there were two entries in iifile_info and trying to dropping the table only dropped the new entry in iifile_info for the table. I was able to extract the appropriate .t00 file from the checkpoint, but had to end up destroying the db and recreating it to recover the table. The environment is HPUX 10.2 and a patched 6.4/06 (I don't remember the patch level at the moment.) Tech support didn't say anything about this being a known problem, or suggest any specific patch level. Is this a known problem? Thanks Dennis Hi Dennis, Under 6.4/05 etc there are cases with unjournalled heap tables which can cause the rollforwarddb to drop the underlying UNIX file but leave entries in iirelation etc. I cant remember the Bug numbers off hand. The fix is in OI1.2 etc. In the mean time. When you get a situation like this. iifile_info contains the table,file and location details. Use this detail to create the underling UNIX file(s) for the table. The files simply have to exist so a simple 'touch' is all that is required. You should now be able to issue 'drop table whatever\g' successfully. Hope this is of some help, Martin Bowes > -- Random Earthworm Jim Quote #20: Jim - Hey Bob there's something different about you. Bob(The Killer Goldfish) - I've only gone and evoluted into a dinosaur! Jim - No, thats not it Hi Guys, Me again. I've just checked my notes on this issue from '97 and the Bug number is 65170. The Bug was completely fixed in Patch 5542 to DUNIX OI1.2 The problem I found then was an interaction of sysmod and the journaling process on unjournalled tables. The rollforwarddb then got a little confused. If its of any use, I've attached a copy of my notes from that time. Martin Bowes
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