> From: Matthew Skalicky> To: Karl Schendel > Subject: Re: Dedicated Servers or Not... > Date: Wednesday, April 23, 1997 11:59 PM > > > The situation I'm looking at is that I have 3 databases and 5 servers. > My largest database has 2 servers each with around 200 sessions per server. > Another database has 2 servers and around 140 sessions per server and the I would not associate more than 100 users per server. How much memory do you have in your machine? Depending on your system resources availability, you can start more than 5 servers. I believe, Ingres requires 35 semaphores per server plus 5 for the installation. On some of my machines I have the number of servers double the number of CPUs. Performance is great, not to mention resiliency. However, you must monitor and tune for a couple of weeks. HIT ratios, write behind start and end thresholds. Don't forget the QUANTUM parameter. The documentation says the minimum is 500, but I have mine set at 100 by a recommendation from a CA engineer. > other database has 1 server with maybe 20 sessions, iidbdb is also associated > with this server. The machine is a T500 and has 6 CPUs. Do you really want iidbdb to share a server with other databases? How about, if you need to shutdown the server for maintenance on databases sharing the server? Again, depending on resources, you can configure a very small server dedicated for iidbdb. When iidbdb is not available, users cannot connect. Nabil Courdy moab@emirates.net.ae ==================
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