> priyeshp@aol.com (PRIYESHP) wrote: > > > I was under the impression that ingres made best use of slave processes > > when they were configured as an even number. ..... > > I was told this once too. When I inquired further, another person in > Level 2 support (whom I will not name, if he wishes to put in his 2 cents > publicly that's his affair) said that "it sounded like voodoo to him". > > Also, I wouldn't use RAID 5 for Ingres myself, having been burned by > its poor write performance. If it works for you, fine. If you have > 5 drives I would probably try for 4 or 5 slaves; but this number is > a) quite dependent on the characteristics of the RAID subsystem, and > b) not all that critical anyway, as near as I can tell. In a very I/O intensive system, with lots of active, concurrent sessions, more slaves may improve performance. I've seen up to 3 slaves per spindle used effectively, allowing intelligent controllers to optimize seeks. Few real systems are I/O intensive enough to see much benefit, though. RAID complicates things a bit, but the principles still hold true. Another post mentions tuning the number of slaves by adding more until the last one is not used. That technique works as well as any. The cost of overconfiguring the slaves is mainly in the wasted process that an idle slave represents, and a trifling amount of wasted swap space. If you aren't tight on resources, don't worry about having one or two more slaves than is ideal. > > Karl Schendel > Telesis Computer Corp -- Jerry Lohr Silicon Graphics, Inc. Email: glohr@engr.sgi.com 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. 08L-855 Phone: +1 415 933 4661 Mountain View, CA 94043-1389 The number of slaves you have is defined by the environment variable II_NUM_SLAVES. Normally you have 2 of them or at least one for every database disk. The dbms-process forks them. I don't have the code, so I don't know if they try to become daemons after forking. The slave processes are a substitute for the lack of asynchonous I/O (a matter of history as you see). OI uses AIO if available and doesn't need slaves in such a case. Ronald Jeninga Jeninga@t-online.de
© William Yuan 2000