In article <3rmbfd$1cp$> Julian Sharp <73064.3277@CompuServe.COM> writes: > >The problem with Terminal Monitor is that is does not stop >processing when an error is encountered. There is something you >can set ie \nocontinue but this doesn't work. > >-- >Julian Sharp > This is not entirely correct. The "\nocontinue" aborts processing the current query BUFFER. So ... if you only have ONE \g in your script, and you have \nocontinue set, your whole script will be aborted. I thought this sucked, so I wrote my own terminal monitor. I added other features, like: 1) Exits the monitor upon any error (if \nocontinue is in effect). It even let's the invoking shell know via a non-zero exit code. (This is super-advanced technology. Don't try it at home. Even experienced data warehousing experts can't integrate this into their enterprise-wide empowerment systems) 2) The -s (silent) flag is ACTUALLY silent. No copyleft banner. Nothing. Combined with the -r (raw select) flag, one could select data and redirect it directly into pipes or files WITHOUT using a temporary table and the copy command! More brazen technology requiring years of underwater programming to completely master. 3) A really bad parser hacked so bad I'd rather tell you I'm a VB programmer than show you the source. After working on this baby for about a week I discovered ingperl. Oh well. |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Michael Leo | The Ingres FAQ is at, /pub/ingres. | | York & Associates, Inc.| Also check out /pub/ingres/utilities/NAIUA for | | Minneapolis, MN, USA | the NAIUA Tool Kit. Lastly, access all this via| | (612) 831-0077 (voice) | WWW at | | | All constructive suggestions/criticism welcome. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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