From: Glenn VadeI am currently in the middle of evaluating UPFRONT here at NRMA. I must say that it is a very impressive little package (at first). It comes on one 3.5" floppy, you type 'setup', wait 5mins, and its done. It 'automatically' turns your boring character based ABF screen into a boring 'GUI' screen. Mind you every user I have shown it to says 'WOW!'. You can easily enhance the window to include bmps etc and turn fields into buttons etc. With a bit of fiddling you can make the window look quite respectable - all without any code. Your ABF application still runs the way it always has and Upfront does its bit over the top. When you click on a field with the mouse Upfront actually performs in the background which is a good thing otherwise essential field validations could be skipped. Some negatives found so far are : As a VT terminal emulator - it sucks bad. Its slow from screen to screen Its VERY slow when scrolling thru a table field It loses it when typing ahead This on version 1.11.1 It seems new versions come out quicker than.... so a 'fix' for some of this may already be available. Overall though, it does appear to be very impressive and may satisfy the users 'supposed' need for GUI. Glenn Vade NRMA Sydney Australia From: (Maarten Veerman) > says... > > Has anyone had any experience with CA new product called UPFRONT ? I am told > it uses scraping technology to convert ABF to GUI based objects. > In addition it has customizable features which allows some conversion to > certain windows objects (i.e. radio objects, etc.). > > Jer I have tried this package out fairly extensively; even demo'd it to an Ingres users group meeting & several potential clients. It *does* make your ABF applications look pretty. With some work, you can have a very GUI-looking app. There are some gotchas, but it works amazingly well. Quite easy to learn & to use, a smart end-user can do the customizations without much help from programming staff. Gives you buttons, scroll bars, the works. Only problem is price. CA definitely wants too much money for this product for it to gain wide acceptance. At $400+ per seat, you look hard at other alternatives. However, if you have a large suite of ABF apps that need "GUI" on the checklist, this will get you the tick-mark... -- MV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -MV (Maarten Veerman) Platon Consulting Limited, New Westminster, B.C. AIX-UNIX, Ingres, & Forest Industry Applications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kelly Woodhead ( Hi we would like to add: I'm a member of the Upfront development team here in the UK and wondered if I could respond to the comments Made By Glenn Vade about upfront. They were: > Some negatives found so far are :As a VT terminal emulator - it sucks bad. > Its slow from screen to screen > Its VERY slow when scrolling thru a table field > It loses it when typing ahead The version Glenn was using was version 1.11 this is very very old and out of date. The product is now up to version 1.90 and has improved a great deal. For example the product now looks very windows 95, and is more stable and uses less resources than ever before. In addition there are now DDE links provided by the product to integrate with other windows programs and toolbar functionality. From version 1.90 the product also has a global editor so that you can make global edits to your application. That aside since 1.11 that Glenn used the terminal emulation has been radically re-coded and redesigned, the termcap files and map files have been totally re-written and now work extremely well, Switching from screen to screen is now much improved too and CA have provided a number of patches to version 6.4/06 and above to help performance in tablefields, and to improve the MWS protocol which UpFront runs against. (The Ingres MWS protocol allows upfront to do what it does, over telnet sessions). Type ahead is also greatly improved, if you haven't seen the product for a while or are just curious then I would urge you to get an evaluation copy. There has been a lot of work, of late put into the product to make it what it is, today and it would be a shame not to see people trying the product and letting us know what they think. Thanks Kelly Woodhead CACI Upfront Team see:
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